Jerry pay Bill and shove him on out the door


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we need a younger hungrier, aggressive coach. We need some fire, not this old want to stay in the past coach. He is stuck in the mud of the 80s, yes he has alot oknowledge that he can teach, but he cannot coach it anymore. This is a new day, the NFL is faster than when Parcells had his success, his conservative success(boring) Man I hated it when we played the giants, it was always boring to watch, but I did because I love the Cowboys.

We do not need a GM, Jerry is doing a great job now at that job, he is not over spending like he did when he first took over that hat.
Back in the day the GM only managed the players and the coaches contracts, and he dealt with the agents, he did not go out and find the players for the team, the player personnel and the scouts did that, but somehow thru the years coaches wanted that power over the players so it got muddled in and now it is part of the GM's hat, with teams.

But there are still professional teams that has a Player personnel guy that handles only the scouts and the players that are tried out and signed by the GM/Owner,(we are one of those teams, let me reintroduce you guys to Jeff Ireland, head of player personnel) some of those teams are successful, some
are not because they have a crappy HC and staff, (like we have).

So, those that think we need a GM, we do not. We need for our GM to keep J. Ireland in place and get rid of the present old old school stubborn not willing to catch up to gate coach, and some of his staff and bring a today in the present time coach.


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we scored the 4th most points of any team in the league and you think we aren't aggressive huh?
number one or bust I guess.

also you didn't see any of the other million threads about how bill sucks?


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BigDFan5;1315988 said:
Jerry disagrees with your assesment

yep, throw in the fact that he has mixed up a number of the top guys responsibitlities in this post and the same post in another thread.

But it doesnt matter, you can say anything you want the parcells haters are never wrong.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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theebs;1315991 said:
yep, throw in the fact that he has mixed up a number of the top guys responsibitlities in this post and the same post in another thread.

But it doesnt matter, you can say anything you want the parcells haters are never wrong.

Whats funny is I dont care for Parcells one way or another, but the fire him just to fire him posts, and the "team held hostage" posts are dumb


The Chairman
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i can see it already...............all other great coaching prospects hired by other teams.

then parcells says.....yea...i'm coming back for five more years.


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Yep, fire Parcells, let him go or whatever you want to call it.
He needs to be gone. What has he done?
How many playoff games have we won?
How many more season do you want to go, with a 9-7, record?
Oh, I forgot it is better than 5-11, so I guess that makes it okay.
Yeah, we went the first season 10-6, that was the start a good foundation, but no, Parcells let Jones get rid of the QB, with the QB help I'll admit, and then he Parcells started tearing away at the already good defense that we had instead of just adding to it and the depth to it, along with bringing in old washed up QBs, and other players, like Fabini this season, oh I might add that I noticed the other day looking back at the 03 and 04 draft with Parcells, do you know that none of those guys are in the NFL anymore, and only 2 or 3 of the 05 guys are with the team Peterman and Rodgers I do not know where they are, but the one guy that started at tackle last season is with the saints, as well as Copper. We did not draft Shanle and Fuji.

I do not like the guy never have, and never will, I will root for him to have success as long as he is the coach here, but I cannot wait for him to leave, so I really hope we have some success next season so he can move on.


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What do you want? Do want a Ring next year? Or do you want to embark on another 4-5 year program?
If you want a championship next year, than Dallas has no choice. You stick with BP. Shawn Payton being the exception, the chances of a new HC, Staff and system coming in and winning in one year are minimal.
The only FA scare we have this year is Crayton. This is the first time in a long time we have "continuity" thing possible. That's rare in todays free agency, salary cap, parity driven league. And it's irreplaceable in todays NFL.
There's enough evidence, the season ending slide not withstanding, to keep this thing together for one more shot. A defensive tweak or two, a O-line draft pick, another year under the belt for many good people, and we have a great shot I think.
A half-year starting isn't enough to see the complete Romo story. A half-year, a full training camp, and a season in a familiar systim should do it. A first year NOT playing in a West Coast offense isn't enough to see what TO can do in this offense. Now that year one is out of the way, it would be a travesty to NOT see what he can do in this system. And the "THIS" in "this system" is the key. A new D-Cord and maybe a 4-3 defense and who knows.
I don't want to live with "who knows". I want to see it happen for one more year. If BP goes, and I'm of a half-mind about that even, and your staring down the barrel of 2009 at the earliest.
Finally, who ya' gonna' get now to replace him this year? It's not exactly a "bumber crop" available out there. For that reason also, BP should stay for one more year because next year at this time, bigger names may be Cowher.
I want a ring next year, and that leaves no wiggle room really. You stick with this program or you'll never know.


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lewpac;1316050 said:
What do you want? Do want a Ring next year? Or do you want to embark on another 4-5 year program?
If you want a championship next year, than Dallas has no choice. You stick with BP. Shawn Payton being the exception, the chances of a new HC, Staff and system coming in and winning in one year are minimal.
The only FA scare we have this year is Crayton. This is the first time in a long time we have "continuity" thing possible. That's rare in todays free agency, salary cap, parity driven league. And it's irreplaceable in todays NFL.
There's enough evidence, the season ending slide not withstanding, to keep this thing together for one more shot. A defensive tweak or two, a O-line draft pick, another year under the belt for many good people, and we have a great shot I think.
A half-year starting isn't enough to see the complete Romo story. A half-year, a full training camp, and a season in a familiar systim should do it. A first year NOT playing in a West Coast offense isn't enough to see what TO can do in this offense. Now that year one is out of the way, it would be a travesty to NOT see what he can do in this system. And the "THIS" in "this system" is the key. A new D-Cord and maybe a 4-3 defense and who knows.
I don't want to live with "who knows". I want to see it happen for one more year. If BP goes, and I'm of a half-mind about that even, and your staring down the barrel of 2009 at the earliest.
Finally, who ya' gonna' get now to replace him this year? It's not exactly a "bumber crop" available out there. For that reason also, BP should stay for one more year because next year at this time, bigger names may be Cowher.
I want a ring next year, and that leaves no wiggle room really. You stick with this program or you'll never know.
So what happens when we're in the same boat next year and the year after and so on, when do you make a change?


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Like I said, ONE MORE YEAR. If BP can't do it given all the forward progress we had this year, then it's a no brainer, can him.
Listen, I'm not that big on him either. In his own words this is a "show me" league. In spite of his "legendary" status as a HC, he hasn't done jack in Dallas. What, five years and two playoff games, both loss's? I don't want to hear about what he did with the Giants, Pats and Jets.........could care less.
All I'm saying is that in this modern era, most coaches are spending every training camp teaching a system to a bunch of new players because of FA, Cap, etc.........Look at the Saints. 32 players on their roster this year weren't on the team last year. Most teams, between the draft and FA average almost 18-20 player turn over every year. And the Saints were an anomally and a freak. What are the odds?
Even if you disagree with BP's system, it's THE system in place with practically the same players all coming back. Nobody ever questioned our talent. Just tweak a scheme or two, a new D-cord, a few other minor off the feild things IMO. Also, defenses adjust alot faster to new schemes than
offenses do. You slap a new offense on this team and it'll take till week six before and progress starts to show.
In this day of such turnover, it's rare to have the continuity and familiarity that this offense will have if it stays together for another year.
That's why I say, if you want a ring NEXT YEAR, BP's the best shot. If you want to begin another 3-4 year build up, then can him now and start over.
But, then you'll forever wonder if a team that stayed together like the old days would've ever pulled it off.


Federal Agent
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Clove;1316105 said:
So what happens when we're in the same boat next year and the year after and so on, when do you make a change?

Tom Landry must have been a failure in your eyes.


Arch Defender
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theebs;1315991 said:
yep, throw in the fact that he has mixed up a number of the top guys responsibitlities in this post and the same post in another thread.

But it doesnt matter, you can say anything you want the parcells haters are never wrong.

"you are what you are" applies to everything but Parcells himself right?



Arch Defender
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Rack;1316110 said:
Tom Landry must have been a failure in your eyes.

I really dont see why anyone would compare Landry's situation to any coach today, let alone Parcells

Landry started a team from scratch without the benefit of all the charity the league awards new teams today, and without free the 60's, 70's and 80's it did take years to rebuild a team...not anymore

Parcells has taken the team as far as he can...the game has passed him by, just as it did many other great coaches...



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next year if we pull something off, I bet not one of you will remember all this crap you have spewed over the one week three days since our season ended.

the game has passed bill by, lmao


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stealth;1316163 said:
next year if we pull something off, I bet not one of you will remember all this crap you have spewed over the one week three days since our season ended.

the game has passed bill by, lmao

It won't happen.
Not with Bill here.


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Does anyone think that a few other coaches could've still been playing given our roster?
I think a lot of coaches would still have us playing. I really don't think we're undertalented...we can use a few players...but we also haven't done a good job at developing that talent or putting together schemes that maximize our talent. Couple that with the fact that we never look like we're ready to play a game and we refuse to change anything even when its not working....and you have serious underachievers...which I think we were this year.
There are teams still playing that have a lot of patchwork marginal talented guys who are performing.
We can blame BP, we can blame Zimmer, we can blame the players....but blame for stuff like this should usually starts at the top IMO


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stealth;1315987 said:
we scored the 4th most points of any team in the league and you think we aren't aggressive huh?
number one or bust I guess.

also you didn't see any of the other million threads about how bill sucks?

You are looking at the points scored as a whole, not when we scored and when we really needed points.

Towards the end of the season we scored only 7 against Philly, 17 against Saints, ran the score up on Tampa(padding).

Early we ran the score up on Titans, Houston, Ariz.

The points total is somewhat misleading. we need to execute better when we really need the points/offense.

TO had 13 TD's. None of which were really gamewinning. A few missed TD's because of drops.

The 2 first half TD's by TO against Atlanta were game winning(on front end of game) but other than that we just got him TD's when it didnt matter.