Dez went off on calvin on twitter for writing this. If you follow shan sharriff on twitter he has a pic of the tweet. I'm on my phone and can't share. Dez says its not true anymore.
I take it Dez aint too happy and Calvin better not bring his *** by his locker
It takes a REAL MAN to know when he needs help. In time maturity will finally settle in and he can move on.. Kudos...
Dez responds as expected. I knew he hasn't matured like some of you claim
Alot of young men with his upbringing don't know how to properly vent frustration outside of anger (I was one). I'm sure the counseling sessions dig into the roots of his anger stemming from his socio-economic variables he faced and the unstable/unreliable relationships that are common in those circumstances. It is also great to help him understand the different perspectives/intentions of all the people "entering and exiting" his life for a variety $ of reasons. Teach him how to worry about himself in a non selfish kind've way while allowing him to mature without negative influences. I respect Dez for not having that chip on his shoulder one could expect.
Dez responds as expected. I knew he hasn't matured like some of you claim
I have already been to several strip clubs in the past month. I feel sorry for the guy.
I haven't been to one in over 30 years, .. I have survived just fine. Dez will too.
Not much good comes out of places like that.
To be honest a strip club is safer than a bar or club . At a strip club all you want to do is sit down watch some girls dance, throw some money outfight starts. At a club there are too many drunks and its breathing ground for people to be on their worst behavior.
Shut up. Your act is old.
To be honest a strip club is safer than a bar or club . At a strip club all you want to do is sit down watch some girls dance, throw some money outfight starts. At a club there are too many drunks and its breathing ground for people to be on their worst behavior.
Last one I went to was almost 3 years ago and it was my 1st in 10+ years. Got jumped by 5 guys. Ended up with a broke nose and a concussion and missed 3 days of work.. lol
Really? I praise Dez for adhering to these stipulations. This goes to show that he really is a good person that has lacked direction and guidance for most of his life. I don't think that his willingness to accept guidance should be judged by anyone.
Dez responds as expected. I knew he hasn't matured like some of you claim