Jon Runyan... the forgotten possibility?


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Hey... just thinkin'....

Why is it that we never really talk about Jon Runyan as a possibility to be our next right tackle? I mean, I know he's a little older than you'd like. But truly, the guy is still very much a player. He's fit, uninjured and extremely good. This is a guy who's big, strong, talented, savvy and has had some epic, stone-cold battles with Michael Strahan (the best defensive end in the East, by far).

Might this be a player Parcells would want on our line?

I'm thinking the answer might be a surprising "yes". I don't know. I don't think the Tuna's gonna want to trust Bledsoe's protection this year to a rookie or some unproven someone. Runyan, if had for the right price, would provide an extremely solid veteran presence on the right side... adept at both pass and run blocking... who is familiar with the demands of playing in the NFC East (the most physical division in ALL of football) and who easily has another 3 years of perhaps just-under pro-bowl-caliber play in his body.

I mean, you think we're gonna trust the position again to Pettiti, Torrin Tucker or Jacob Rogers? And any of the free-agents we'd bring in (other than Runyan) have too many questions marks to put all our eggs in their basket; Mike Williams, Fabini (injured) or.... who??

As I said, needlessly, I don't know. But there's something about this move that makes sense to me. Sign Runyan to a 3 or 4 year deal, draft a new tackle (and this particular draft seems to run deep with them; quality said to be found as low as the 3rd or 4th round), and make our championship run while developing the younger guys behind him.

I mean, tell me that LeCharles Bentley and Jon Runyan (with everything else staying the same) wouldn't have you excited about our offensive line this year? Rivera, while disappointing last season, should be better this year with full participation in the off-season conditioning program, Larry Allen... while not what he once was... is still very good and makes sure NO ONE will be bum-rushing Bledsoe from his side. Flozel will be back & healthy and solid-as-ever (who I'm sure we appreciate now more than we did before we lost him). And the addition of both Bentley and Runyan would give us a grizzled, veteran line that... I believe... Parcells would really have faith in.

I don't know, we'll see. But I'd be pretty happy with that haul...



Peace and Love

- PoetTree -


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I have him on my short list of wants which are in the Joe Jur post!


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He would probably be a better stop gap guy than Fabini. I would much rather get an older, proven RT to play, rather than draft another guy. I am very much in favor for seeing if Petitti has anything in him before we give up on him...


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I've got him and Stephen Neal OG/Patriots on my want list . Those two , a day one O-lineman , and a day two O-lineman would be a pretty good fix .