Jones goes official today - its the 3-4 Defense!

Hostile said:

Please let me know when you can actually read what people write. No denial.


You and your BZ laid out every reason why it would not happen. Well hello - it happened and you were WRONG. Move on. You gloated in Howard threads in 4-3 Glee. You had every reason why it made no sense to go 3-4 with our "personnel" and you rode the Howard 4-3 mantra into the draft. You were wrong.

We went 3-4, Deal with it. To sit back after all your protesting and saying it aint so is FUNNY! Personnel? I called the move - you missed on it ;)

Game, Set and match.
Nors said:

You and your BZ laid out every reason why it would not happen. Well hello - it happened and you were WRONG. Move on. You gloated in Howard threads in 4-3 Glee. You had every reason why it made no sense to go 3-4 with our "personnel" and you rode the Howard 4-3 mantra into the draft. You were wrong.

We went 3-4, Deal with it. To sit back after all your protesting and saying it aint so is FUNNY! Personnel? I called the move - you missed on it ;)

Game, Set and match.
You really are that dense. It's not an act.

I never said we weren't going to a 3-4. I said weren't going with the personnel we had.

I was right. Game, set, and match.
Woody'sGirl said:
just messing w/u...:) But flattery is always welcome...

As for SD, I'm pumped we're gonna face a solid team like that first. I think we'll get a real good look at what this team is about.

I was being honest...I guess its just me but there are people like you, Hos, TB,ABQ, Adam,CBZ and a few others that 99% of the time have good posts, don't bash, and have Intelligent thoughts someone I wouldn't mind debating or agreeing with and then there those of us that 99% of the time are so off the wall, or slam either players or coaches and some times members that no matter how something is explained like 2+2=4 they still want to argue, they never seem to get it and I wonder why their even here if they can't listen with an open mind. When I get on I look to see if certain people have new posts up if not then I start with what looks most intresting.
Funny I'm supposedly on his ignore list, yet he keeps bringing me up.

Let's see I said we did not have the PERSONNEL to run it, you wanted to run it reguardless of PERSONNEL.

We added Ferguson, Ware, Spears, Burnett, Canty, Ratliff, Goolsby and Cooper, but you WERE RIGHT.:rolleyes:
Cop out by Hos

You said we were going 4-3, you said it was easier to stay 4-3, you said we were trading for Howard. You are in denial - You were dead wrong on us going 3-4 - that is clear. Translation you were stunned you were so wrong on all your points above and that BP is going 3-4! That is true.

Show me where you were advocating a 3-4 shift 2 years ago? A 3-4 Shift a year ago? This offseason a 3-4 shift advocate? You are wet, you were adament against.

Say Nors, 3-4 Defense, hybrid talk IS A STAPLE.

You are not on my train - you can walk through the desert!
Nors said:
Cop out by Hos

You said we were going 4-3, you said it was easier to stay 4-3, you said we were trading for Howard. You are in denial - You were dead wrong on us going 3-4 - that is clear. Translation you were stunned you were so wrong on all your points above and that BP is going 3-4! That is true.

Show me where you were advocating a 3-4 shift 2 years ago? A 3-4 Shif a year ago? This offseasona 3-4 shift advocate? You are wet, you were adament against.

Say Nors, 3-4 Defense, hybrid talk IS A STAPLE.

You are not on my train - you can walk through the desert!

Your train?

You made the 3-4 happen?
This thread started out with so much potential and now it's denigrated into a big nah nanny, booboo thread. Who cares who predicted we were going to go 3-4? Certainly I don't.

I mean, it's early, but I would've luv'd to hear how folks could see how the new look D would match up w/SD. I'm still grasping the concept of the 3-4, but I'm getting it and I think we can match up well w/SD.
Woody'sGirl said:
This thread started out with so much potential and now it's denigrated into a big nah nanny, booboo thread. Who cares who predicted we were going to go 3-4? Certainly I don't.

I mean, it's early, but I would've luv'd to hear how folks could see how the new look D would match up w/SD. I'm still grasping the concept of the 3-4, but I'm getting it and I think we can match up well w/SD.

This is what I was refering to in my previous post....

SD will present some problems because unlike most teams they have a good run game and Passing game. If one isn't working the other one can carry them. Now the biggest thing we have going is was Brees last year a fluke or the real deal? They are a lot like us IMO they have a good TE, WR, great RB, and good sometimes great Qb. I think they are the only team who didn't lose a starter in the offseason which means their D will have a better chemistry or what ever you want to call it than ours. I see it being a close game but not one that we should hang our heads on if we lose.
Woody'sGirl said:
This thread started out with so much potential and now it's denigrated into a big nah nanny, booboo thread. Who cares who predicted we were going to go 3-4? Certainly I don't.

I mean, it's early, but I would've luv'd to hear how folks could see how the new look D would match up w/SD. I'm still grasping the concept of the 3-4, but I'm getting it and I think we can match up well w/SD.
I'll talk football all day, I called us going 3-4 a ways back with stiff resistence here. Those that protested and said it won't happen are in SERIOUS damage control mode!

We are here 3-4! thats no longer debatable!
Nors said:
I'll talk football all day, I called us going 3-4 a ways back with stiff resistence here. Those that protested and said it won't happen are in SERIOUS damage control mode!

We are here 3-4! thats no longer debatable!

I must have missed the football you were talking about with all the "I called" that keeps getting repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Nors said:
Cop out by Hos

You said we were going 4-3, you said it was easier to stay 4-3, you said we were trading for Howard. You are in denial - You were dead wrong on us going 3-4 - that is clear. Translation you were stunned you were so wrong on all your points above and that BP is going 3-4! That is true.

Show me where you were advocating a 3-4 shift 2 years ago? A 3-4 Shift a year ago? This offseason a 3-4 shift advocate? You are wet, you were adament against.

Say Nors, 3-4 Defense, hybrid talk IS A STAPLE.

You are not on my train - you can walk through the desert!

That was so pathetic.

Here ya go folks...the train.


How many times have I told you I like the 3-4? Be honest if you really are able. How many?

How many times did I say we already ran some 3-4? Try and be honest. How many?

If you have read anything I've ever said about the 3-4 at all I'll be shocked. You were too busy feeling hurt that someone wasn't blowing sunshine up your skirt and agreeing with your every word.

Darren Howard is still this big an issue with you? Dude, let go and take a deep breath. I'm happy with Spears, Ware and Burnett.

I don't give a rat's *** what defense we run as long as we win. If we stayed in a 4-3 and won you'd sulk and whine. It's your forte' along with needing to pat yourself on the back and invent trains for people to jump on.

Now go ahead and whine about the abuse. It's a broken record.
jksmith269 said:
This is what I was refering to in my previous post....

SD will present some problems because unlike most teams they have a good run game and Passing game. If one isn't working the other one can carry them. Now the biggest thing we have going is was Brees last year a fluke or the real deal? They are a lot like us IMO they have a good TE, WR, great RB, and good sometimes great Qb. I think they are the only team who didn't lose a starter in the offseason which means their D will have a better chemistry or what ever you want to call it than ours. I see it being a close game but not one that we should hang our heads on if we lose.
Nice try, Jks, but it seems this thread is on it's way to booboo land. Nice idea for a thread tomorrow, tho...:)
Woody'sGirl said:
This thread started out with so much potential and now it's denigrated into a big nah nanny, booboo thread. Who cares who predicted we were going to go 3-4? Certainly I don't.

I mean, it's early, but I would've luv'd to hear how folks could see how the new look D would match up w/SD. I'm still grasping the concept of the 3-4, but I'm getting it and I think we can match up well w/SD.
Nors said:
Sure does - our D will have more of a swagger. Now if we could land a Vet/leader to play FS - This is a deep playoff team - Super Bowl Contender - JMO
A la Corey Chavous?
(or are you still on the Ty Law bandwagon??)
mperfection said:
A la Corey Chavous?
(or are you still on the Ty Law bandwagon??)
Train bro, train. He wants to wear an engineer's hat and blow his whistle.
Hostile said:
Train bro, train. He wants to wear an engineer's hat and blow his whistle.
Its sad when you have to toot your own horn isn't it?
jksmith269 said:
Its sad when you have to toot your own horn isn't it?
I'd give him credit, but he doesn't need me. He gives himself enough for both of us.
Hostile said:
I'd give him credit, but he doesn't need me. He gives himself enough for both of us.
Whats worse is we have not 1 but 2 threads going with him doing it...... Now thats sad I guess he is wrong so much that when he is remotely right he goes off the deap end.
big dog cowboy said:
I still say we open in SD with a 4-3 on the first snap.

Parcells will line'em up 4-3 more than 3-4 by the 3rd week. and it will be DOOMSDAY all over again.......

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