Just caught Skip Bayless

mbanx said:
I know this is beating a dead horse but how does espn keep a guy employed who has such an agenda? I just caught him talking about the boys-skins game and all I picked up was "did you see brunell throw those lightning bolts last year to win in TX stadium?" and "I have no doubt that WA will win this game" plus "Parcells is already altering his coaching style to fit TO". I mean are you not supposed to have some integrity as a journalist? Even if you do work for espn? He is just so obvious in his cowboys hatred espn should be embarrased for putting him in a position to answer related questions. Okay i vented and I know this is an old subject on this board but since I cant go beat the hell out of him and ring his neck this was my outlet.


ESPN is all about agendas. Sad to say.
I wish the posting rules were a little more flexible, I have a great animated gif for this. :D
I feel for any gay posters on here (and the statistics would say that there are likely some on here.) The homophobia is startling. That being said, I think Bayless is a cretin.
jem88 said:
I feel for any gay posters on here (and the statistics would say that there are likely some on here.) The homophobia is startling. That being said, I think Bayless is a cretin.

FWIW, I harbor no ill will towards homosexuals, and I have several gay friends. I just joke about Bayless because he tried to "out" Aikman in the early 90's. It's really a joke about Skip's hypocrisy, not his sexual orientation.
WV Cowboy said:
Skip Bayless was just in a heated exchange on Cold Pizza with some girl as to who the top 10 sexiest male athletes are.

Nuff said.

NO, not 'nuff!

Try to remember his list, WV.

I want to see if Skip and I have the same taste in men.
kmd24 said:
FWIW, I harbor no ill will towards homosexuals, and I have several gay friends. I just joke about Bayless because he tried to "out" Aikman in the early 90's. It's really a joke about Skip's hypocrisy, not his sexual orientation.
Fair enough. I'd never heard about that Aikman situation.