Just read Roger Goodells contract demands

He credits himself with the advertisement success of the league.

The NFL is a fun, entertaining sport and the only big sport that has such emphasis put on every game.

A hamster could’ve accomplished what he has.

Exactly. He didn't take over the NFL when it was up and coming and trying to make a name for itself. It was an established monster. Any joe blow could have did what he did at 10% of his pay. There's no need for Goodell to command that salary. Screw him. But the owners will most likely give it to them.
I think it’s to time to redelegate the authority of the Commissioner. This disciplinary arm of the office needs to fall under another authority overseen but not ruled on by the Commish.

I’d suggest a Federal prosecutor, former District or US Attorney. And let them form panels and investigators to perform such duties administering the conduct policy , fines, etc.

The Commissioner needs to be focused on the revenue and goodwill of the league delegating the enforcement of league policies to someone more versed in the law and process.

The most intelligent post I’ve read by you, and I agree 100% so I’ll throw you a like. :clap:
Theres actually quite a few of those.

Group in Tampa.
Al Davis's kid.
Saints group
Bills group.

You get more as the original owners die off.
The Saint’s owner is self made, just to be clear
That’s the issue though...numbers have been going down because of his missteps

tv ratings.

The nfl is making more money than ever.

They will figure out the tv ratings.

and fyi the ratings only matter because that is how they know what to charge for advertising. They will correct this.
I think its worth repeating that Goodell had 200 Million dollars in his pocket before he made these demands/requests.
That’s exactly what’s wrong with this country.

People working 3 jobs to support a family ... this dude wants 50 mill and jet? Gtfoh
Thats exactly what's right with this country. No offense but if someone doesn't make it that's usually on them. Being mad at people who happen to make money isn't going to change that. You and the others dapping this post act like y'all wouldn't take 50mil if you could get it.
He’s insulting their intelligence at this point
One of the only few places you can do a **** job and still demand 50mil + jet for life.

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