Just be careful because Firefox is not a guarantee to be spyware proof. For right now it's simply much safer because it's better coded but more importantly the bad guys are still focused on I.E. In the past you would never get a pop-up box of Firefox,now there's a few that'll come up.
A third program I reccomend is
Spywareblaster, this app works to prevent spyware so run this app before you surf (Make sure you also update the database, it's on the lower left hand side of the box).
Now that you have Firefox let's add some toys to it:
Extensions are free ad ons that can help personalize your browser.[/url]
For what it's worth, here are my reccomendations:
Ad-Block - Highly, highly highly reccomend this, when you see a banner ad you'll notice a tab that says Ad-Block on it, highlight it (And it'll bring up a box with a link), select ok and whamo! The banner ad is now on your blocked list. A side bonus is if you go to a site with a media file and you're curious to know the direct link, Ad-Block will show it to you.
Download them All - If you like to leech (Argh!) files from a page or FTP then this app is for you. For ex. someone posted a link that hosted all the Cowboy videos, to get all of them (Let's just say there were 15 of them) you can either 1) Right-click 15 times and select "save as" or 2) Right-click once, select Downloadthemall, then hit ok. Works on any type of files, not just media.
Download Manager Tweak - I like this because if you decide to download manually, the downloads (Instead of being on a seperate box) will be on the lower left of your browser, so you'll be able to see it but not have it in your way.
TinyURL Creator - Instead of posting a link of
http://ekfghekjgekghsekgjhregkjerhgkjrges.net TinyURL creator will create a more friendly link, say tinyurl.com/5ukl
Dictionary Search - For the poor speller in all of us