Kamerion Wimbley Interview @ Pats Fan Site (says he is next D. Ware)


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Sometimes I feel with all the Bobby Carpenter vs. Manny Lawson hype, we may be missing the boat and not noticing the candidate that may actually be #1 on Bill and Jerry's Xmas list.


Kamerion Wimbley Q&A

Kamerion Wimbley, a 6-3, 248-pound defensive end from Florida State is a fast-riser on NFL draft boards.

Fast off the edge with a terrific motor and hard-working attitude, he's seen as an ideal outside linebacker for 3-4 defenses.

He's drawn comparisons to Cowboys linebacker DeMarcus Ware who wound up going 11th overall last year to Dallas and had a solid rookie year despite coming out of little Troy State.

Wimbley is a player who'd fit nicely with New England. If he lasts until the 21st overall pick.

We caught up with him this morning by phone.

Pro-Jo: Have you enjoyed the predraft process?
Kamerion Wimbley: I have. I've had the chance to go different places, meet a lot of different people -- influential people in the NFL, college players. It's been very busy. I really haven't had a chance to take a breath and a breather. But I'd rather be busy than not.

PJ: What's surprised you about the process?
KW: All the people involved and the behind the scenes scouting that makes it work. I never realized the number of coaches, scouts and staff. It's much more like a business, a real company with the managers, executives and staff. Its run just like a regular business and football is the product.

PJ: How do NFL teams compare to Florida State in terms of how they're run?
KW: There are a lot of similarities. Becase of FSU's success in sending players to the league, they set our college program up to be similar. Some of our have been in the NFL and a lot that haven't sent players to the league so they understand that aspect.

PJ: Which teams have you visited?
KW: Cleveland is the only place I went to. I think a lot of teams gathered all their info at the Senior Bowl and NFL Combine and at our workouts.

PJ: Do you monitor mock drafts and the rising and falling stock of prospects?
KW: Not so much anymore. Initially I did because I had a lot of ground to make up. (Wimbley suffered a sprained knee near the end of FSU's 2005 season). After I hurt my knee, my stock dropped and I didn't think there was an accurate assessment of my ability. I wanted to see how far I dropped and how much work was ahead of me. But right now (the draft is April 29-30) there's nothing you can do.

PJ: You got good reviews on your work against Virginia's D'Brickashaw Ferguson (the best lineman in the draft). What was it like to play against him?
KW: I don't know if this applies, but if I was an offensive lineman, I would be similar to him. Long arms, explosive, smooth but not overly big. He was definitely a competitor and someone I enjoyed going up against. It was kind of like a chess match.

PJ: Have you played any linebacker and do you feel comfortable dropping into coverage?
KW: I played defensive end the whole time (at FSU) but we dropped sometimes in games and I would cover a back out of the backfield or a receiver sometimes. I feel very comfortable (dropping in coverage). To me, there's not too much difference (playing on the edge) whether my hand is down (like a defensive end) or up.

PJ: After being a defensive end during your college career, do you have mixed emotions about being projected as a linebacker in the pros?
KW: I embrace it. It's a great opportunity for me to do something new. I like new challenges. I heard early on could that I move to linebacker in the league and I liked the fact I was going to be looked at for two positions. It gives you more exposure rather than just being a defensive end. If I go higher as a linebacker than I would as a defensive end, that's fine with me. That's what you want. If I train the whole time as a defensive end and then I move, I'm fine with that.

PJ: You've been called an outstanding worker with exceptional character (by Pro Football Weekly). How important are those traits to you?
KW: The work part, I'll always have that. And that's not hard to maintain. I'm always trying to get better and not be satisfied. I haven't accomplished anything I want to accomplish. In the NFL, you can make the Pro Bowl, win the Super Bowl, be MVP -- you can always have higher goals and there's always something else to accomplish.

As for character, I look back on teammates I had at FSU who've gotten in trouble - great players and athletes who dropped their stock with bad decisions I've realized the importance of taking care of busnienss. Teams have no doubts if you do that, they're not scared to touch you. I try to stress that to guys still in school now, "Don't get in trouble and get arrested."

PJ: Have you seen DeMarcus Ware play?
KW: I have never seen him play but a guy named Brian McFadden (a former FSU corner who's now with Pittsburgh) came back from the Senior Bowl last year and told me I'd be the next DeMarcus Ware because of my ability to play in space and my size. I guess he was right from what I've heard.


Zone Scribe
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Just like Ware, he was a 210 lbs. WR/athlete prospect coming out of high school who grew into the DE position.


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Anyone else get a little pumped hearing him talk about taking on D'Brickashaw Ferguson? :chainsaw:

Really sounds like he's got a good head on those shoulders too.


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Glad to see an article about this guy, he has been going higher than Manny or Carpenter in alot of mock drafts.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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PJ: You've been called an outstanding worker with exceptional character (by Pro Football Weekly). How important are those traits to you?
KW: The work part, I'll always have that. And that's not hard to maintain. I'm always trying to get better and not be satisfied. I haven't accomplished anything I want to accomplish. In the NFL, you can make the Pro Bowl, win the Super Bowl, be MVP -- you can always have higher goals and there's always something else to accomplish.

As for character, I look back on teammates I had at FSU who've gotten in trouble - great players and athletes who dropped their stock with bad decisions I've realized the importance of taking care of busnienss. Teams have no doubts if you do that, they're not scared to touch you. I try to stress that to guys still in school now, "Don't get in trouble and get arrested."

This is why I think we are more serious about this player than many want to or would like to admit. Not that Lawson or Carpenter have bad character (both are very good), but this is one thing everyone raves about with Wimberly. He is an exceptionally hard worker and trains like a madman.


Inventor of the Whizzinator
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I've got him going to us at 18. This will be awesome. We are already gearing up to stop the run with James and Ayodele inside. Coupled with Ferg. Run stopping machines!!!

Henry and Newman aren't bad outside either at run stopping or pass. Coleman at FS with a rookie to learn from him, and a backup in Davis. And of course there is Roy!!! Top 5 D here we come? :)


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I like the kid -- I just don't see a fit with our D -- we need someone opposite Ware who is strong against the run and can get after the QB a little -- Wimbley is a pass rush specialist - I think he has the skill to learn the other stuff but he isn't what our D needs at this time.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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of the OLB projected I like him the best...but I am not sure that those who count do...

Portland Fanatic

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I'm not missing the boat on this kid...he's my #1 OLB choice and has been since I watched him at the combine and Sr. Bowl. He's very impressive.

Portland Fanatic

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abersonc said:
I like the kid -- I just don't see a fit with our D -- we need someone opposite Ware who is strong against the run and can get after the QB a little -- Wimbley is a pass rush specialist - I think he has the skill to learn the other stuff but he isn't what our D needs at this time.

This kid will have a learning curve just like Ware, but would be an excellent fit IMO.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Yep, I've probably said it before, but I have a feeling we're going to surprise people when Wimbley and Carpenter are both on the board and we take Wimbley... If Wimbley is still there.

He looks just a touch more athletic than Carpenter IMO, and has the same great work ethic and intensity. Plus great character, as mentioned above. One think I like about him, Carpenter, and Lawson is that all seem like smart guys with solid character.
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He's always made good decisions.
He committed to FSU as a junior in HS & then
graduated HS a semester early and reported
to FSU in January of what should've been his
final semester of HS. He never wavered in his
commitment to FSU, unlike many teenagers
understandably do.


Active Member
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The more I read about him the more I really like this guy, I am a Manny backer but as with Carpenter, I will be doing backflips if we pick him.

I liked his answers too, he did not play the political correctness card so much and really gave thoughtful answers.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Alexander said:
This is why I think we are more serious about this player than many want to or would like to admit. Not that Lawson or Carpenter have bad character (both are very good), but this is one thing everyone raves about with Wimberly. He is an exceptionally hard worker and trains like a madman.

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see us doing a head-fake to Lawson/Carpenter and then taking Wimbley, either. I'm surprised he's only been to Cleveland for a visit. It makes me wonder if other 3-4 teams aren't thinking the same thing.


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My favorite tweener. He's been my guy since the whole draft process began this season. I just really like him.
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Remember ANYTHING can happen during the draft!! I wouldn't mind if we took another OLB in the first round but if someone rated higher is available then remember what Jerry Jones said "best player on the board."
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PacoReloaded said:
I'd rather take my chances with Lawson.

Wimbley's going to be a bust.

I doubt he'll be a bust, not many Florida State players actually turn out to be garbage samething with Univ. of Miami kids!!!!