Twitter: Kellen Moore is the problem


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Fans: "It's the QB audibling out of the run. It's his fault".

Romo hater said it now the Dak haters are saying it. Why does this always happen under JG no matter who the QB is?


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Oops it should read, Kellen Moore is not the problem

That is the best 2 minutes of analysis I've seen this year to highlight EXACTLY why Dak is not the answer at QB. For all those blaming OLine, Zeke and all the rest.. forget it. Clearly shows that the TD pass was a simple toss due to great design. The strip fumble was lack of pocket awareness from Dak when he had clear check down options.. another INT caused by not making the right call on a broken play.

Wish all those who still believe Dak can 'get it done' would watch and understand that is vision that speaks way more than stats ever will. I'm not saying every game Brady plays he is perfect.. but the elite QB's make the right call time and time again.. and sometimes that is throwing it away or check down. Ahhhhhhh so disappointing.


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That is the best 2 minutes of analysis I've seen this year to highlight EXACTLY why Dak is not the answer at QB. For all those blaming OLine, Zeke and all the rest.. forget it. Clearly shows that the TD pass was a simple toss due to great design. The strip fumble was lack of pocket awareness from Dak when he had clear check down options.. another INT caused by not making the right call on a broken play.

Wish all those who still believe Dak can 'get it done' would watch and understand that is vision that speaks way more than stats ever will. I'm not saying every game Brady plays he is perfect.. but the elite QB's make the right call time and time again.. and sometimes that is throwing it away or check down. Ahhhhhhh so disappointing.

I'm not so sure Dak can't get there because he's shown progress from where he started. I also won't absolve other players- o line, Zeke, the rest... all have screwed the team at spots via penalties/drops/turnovers. But everything else is pretty spot on.

I'm one of Dak's early critics who didn't buy into, "Dak and Dunk," simply because I wanted him dumping it off more than he did. Part of that broadcaster-no-one-wants-to-talk-about's success in his latter years was dumping it off to that Sooner-who-went-to-Philly. That's a sign of understanding what's happening on the field and getting through your progressions.


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Fans: "It's the QB audibling out of the run. It's his fault".

Romo hater said it now the Dak haters are saying it. Why does this always happen under JG no matter who the QB is?
How about Garrett is allowing a QB to audible who is not yet the best one to make the calls.