Kelvin Joseph says he finally figured it out, Puts the league on notice

I genuinely hope he's got it figured out. I'd love to see him get on track to maximizing his potential as a CB. So far, he's been a disappointment on the field. I hated the gamble when we took him. But, until he's no longer a Cowboy, I'll be rooting for him to put it all together. After he's gone, I won't pull for him a player, but still hope he gets his life in order.
In the boys defense, he isn’t aware of all the empty tired cliches and catchphrases that our fan base has heard for the last 30 years.

Its cute when they think they are being original
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I’m curious to know exactly what he thinks he figured out that will make all the difference, and why that didn’t happen sooner if it were that simple.
Silly to come up with that because of his grammar on Twitter lol.
When I was at Texas, I was sitting in an anthropology TA meeting, and in comes this guy, backpack on and looking around like he didn't know what to do. My TA, at the time, cool guy, very hard on me, told him he was going to fail if he didn't attend and do assignments.. Apparently, that sparked a meeting with the TA from the coach. That was the last day I saw that player. But the TA later said, "I didn't realize how much time those guys spend in practice and working out" so he told the guy to just turn in something.. Didn't matter what it was, just turn in something.

I was a little irked. Because a few days prior he was giving back papers, gave everyone's paper back, and then slid mine across the table and said, "unacceptable." So I had to redo my paper and that taught me to never do school work while under the influence of alcohol.

There was another guy who sat in front of a 150 person class room. I forget his name. But he was a white linebacker during the Colt McCoy years. And our professor would call on him, and his answer was always the same. "I'm not exactly sure, but I think it's because of a shift." Every answer was "shift." He had that word down pat. lol

Most athletes get special treatment and trade their potential education for the opportunity to represent the school. I know some athletes can swing both, but it truly is difficult to have any life outside of academia at some universities. No way could I have put in the necessary work and played sports.
they should have had him in a program from the start, then maybe that guy would still be alive?
They may have someone baby sitting him now, but maybe not.
In what program could they have placed the guy who pulled the trigger? What would a program have done for KJ? Taught him not to ride in cars? I'd hate to see some of you as jurors.
Have you ever spoken to a fast talking Texan? lol

It would take my ex father in law 5 minutes to tell us he was going to the bathroom.
No but I’d like to be able to speak the language the African Pygmy spoke with the series of clicks and pops in the movie ‘ The Gods Must Be Crazy”
Lol, this guy is such a tool.

"I may be a little remedial, but you're gonna be in trouble when my 3rd year in the league rolls around"
What he NEEDS to do is shut his piehole and prove it on the field. Running his mouth like this only suggests to me he hasn't figured out ANYTHING.
In the boys defense, he isn’t aware of all the empty tired cliches and catchphrases that our fan base has heard for the last 30 years.

Its cute when they think they are being original
We’re finna find out if he’s serious.
Yeah, you don’t believe that for a second

There isn’t any evidence that he was ever a primary murder suspect. It is more like he is a witness to a murder. The Dallas Police Dept cleared him of any wrong doing, and announced he is cooperating fully with them.

Guilt by association shouldn’t be a thing, unless it happens repeatedly. This isn’t to escape from the fact that he should be wiser in choosing his companions. But he’s not guilty of what someone else did, no matter how much people want to make that assertion.

There hasn’t been any indication of a repeat offense.
Hes guilty of hanging out with losers like that.

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