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Kindergarten Student Sent Home for Star Haircut
Last Edited: Tuesday, 20 Nov 2007, 9:14 PM CST
Created: Tuesday, 20 Nov 2007, 9:14 PM CST
This young boy was suspended from kindergarten because he asked his dad to cut a star in his hair--- in support of his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys.
With the Dallas Cowboys off to their best star in years, it's hard for fans to contain their excitement.
Five-year-old Justin is no different. He's been wearing his Cowboys pride on his head for 10 days.
"He said he wanted a star cut into his hair to represent the Cowboys and doesn't want to cut it until they lose a game," said the boy's step-father, Kenneth Wagner.
Wagner admits it might have to be sooner than that. Justin's school administration doesn't like the haircut.
"The principal told us that if we didn't shave the star off his head he'd be suspended from school," he said.
Birdville ISD spokesman Mark Thomas said the district has a policy against hair styles and colors that disrupt the educational process. It is up to the principal to decide what's disruptive.
"We have that policy and we follow that policy," Thomas said.
Wagner has tried contacting Justin's principal at Richland Elementary School but hasn't been able to reach him.
"I don't particularly care for the look of the haircut myself," he said. "He has the right to individuality and to present himself. I don't want the school to dictate that."
Justin hasn't gone to school for the past few days. He was told to shave his head after being dropped off with the new style.
He said he understands he'll probably lose his fight and will have show his pride in another way so that he can return to school. He knows he can't earn a gold star in school if he keeps the one on his head.
"I'll do it," Justin said.
Last Edited: Tuesday, 20 Nov 2007, 9:14 PM CST
Created: Tuesday, 20 Nov 2007, 9:14 PM CST
This young boy was suspended from kindergarten because he asked his dad to cut a star in his hair--- in support of his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys.
With the Dallas Cowboys off to their best star in years, it's hard for fans to contain their excitement.
Five-year-old Justin is no different. He's been wearing his Cowboys pride on his head for 10 days.
"He said he wanted a star cut into his hair to represent the Cowboys and doesn't want to cut it until they lose a game," said the boy's step-father, Kenneth Wagner.
Wagner admits it might have to be sooner than that. Justin's school administration doesn't like the haircut.
"The principal told us that if we didn't shave the star off his head he'd be suspended from school," he said.
Birdville ISD spokesman Mark Thomas said the district has a policy against hair styles and colors that disrupt the educational process. It is up to the principal to decide what's disruptive.
"We have that policy and we follow that policy," Thomas said.
Wagner has tried contacting Justin's principal at Richland Elementary School but hasn't been able to reach him.
"I don't particularly care for the look of the haircut myself," he said. "He has the right to individuality and to present himself. I don't want the school to dictate that."
Justin hasn't gone to school for the past few days. He was told to shave his head after being dropped off with the new style.
He said he understands he'll probably lose his fight and will have show his pride in another way so that he can return to school. He knows he can't earn a gold star in school if he keeps the one on his head.
"I'll do it," Justin said.