Lance reportedly admitted using EPO in 1996

Wasn't this a thread about Lance? I hope it isn't true, and I have a hard time believing it. They will try anything to bring him down.
burmafrd said:
We really were not serious about taking canada in the war of 1812- by then we knew no one wanted it. As regards the Rev War, that was very close. Montgomery came very close to taking Montreal. Of course its a good thing we did not take canada- what would we have done with all the Brtish Loyalists then?
As regards the doping claims- Le Monde is a typical french newspaper-- slightly less accurate then the National Enquirer. The French newspapers hated Lance because he was an American that dominated 'THEIR' race like no one ever has (let alone a Frenchman).

Remember though, in your war of rebellion, only 1/3 supported it, 1/3 were loyal, and 1/3 didn't care.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Where is that finger icon when you need it. :confused: :p:

I have a pretty good idea where YOUR finger is.




Seriously, it's just anything canadian related makes me laugh.
Rack said:
I have a pretty good idea where YOUR finger is.




Seriously, it's just anything canadian related makes me laugh.
They do make some pretty fine bacon, though.

That and... ummmm... let me think.... :huh:
Danny White said:
They do make some pretty fine bacon, though.

That and... ummmm... let me think.... :huh:

Yeah their bacon is great... Tastes a lot like oh I don't know what it is...... um.......ham.
Trish Stratus is from canada... gotta give 'em props for that.

Rack said:
I have a pretty good idea where YOUR finger is.




Seriously, it's just anything canadian related makes me laugh.

Want to get something straight here. I am not pro-canada as far as NOW.

But I do recognize, where I think many just do not know, that they indeed helped a great deal in WWII.

I think it goes back to my grandfather being in WWII and said on many occasions, or it seems so as I was young when he died, that he met some canadian troops and they were darn fine men that never got the respect they deserved for helping in WWII.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Want to get something straight here. I am not pro-canada as far as NOW.

I'm not Pro Canada or Anti Canada. I just like pissing canadians off.

You certainly took it too seriously though.

By the way, Canadian beer sucks.
Rack said:
I'm not Pro Canada or Anti Canada. I just like pissing canadians off.


Same with the French... well I may be slightly anti-french, but it's more just fun to piss em off;)
CanadianCowboysFan said:
or the fact we held the line at Ypres in 1915, won at Vimy Ridge in 1917, were in both World Wars this century long before the US, and beat you in two wars, your war of rebellion and then again in the War of 1812 :cool:

As an aside, read any history book and it will tell you without French assistance in the rebellion of 1775-1781, you would not have won. You won at Yorktown in 1781 because the French fleet defeated the British fleet and kept Cornwallis from being reinforced.

The irony of course is that Louis XVI assistance to you in your war of rebellion ended up unleashing forces which ultimately led to him being beheaded in 1793.

As for Lance Armstrong, they just have it in for him because he was unbeatable in their race and now no one cares about the race this year.

Yep, you are correct.

Weren't the French, Dutch, and Spanish all on our side?
I just think its weird that the we probably hated France when we helped the British in the French and Indian War. Suddenly, France comes to our aid, and we love France. Some bad experiences with France, and now we all hate France. The public opinion is ever changing. It's kinda like a Bill Parcells thing, what have you done for me now?

And you Canadians are pretty cool. I went to Toronto some time ago in October, and it was really, really nice.
Rack said:
Trish Stratus is from canada... gotta give 'em props for that.

Unfortunately, so is Celine Dione. Maybe if we are nice to CanadianCowboysFan, he will convince the rest of his countrymen to take her back. We don't want her! :lmao:

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