Its a real good start. If we can build on this we will be heavyhitters in the east for a while. I am impressed and thoroughly enjoyed that victory. If only the Astros had of won 3 hours earlier, I really could have enjoyed it. I was switching between every play. It was nerve racking, but when the week-end was over, what a haul.
Not only a win, but a dominant win over the most dominant team in the NFC.
The Skins lost.
The Horns started paying back OU for the last 5 years.
The Astros clinched the division series and are headed back to St Louis. (they will probably lose there, but what a ride, I cant take many more seasons like this.)
A ref got punched in the face. (Not a particular win, but funny as hell and something I have never seen before in a game at any level.)
in all, a great week-end of sports. If they could all be like this....but I am sure that would get boring after about 10 years.