In 97, my bro was one of the 50 finalist to be on the espn strong man show. In last few years, Ive been to several meets with him with some of the best lifters in the world. Gene Ryleack benched a 1005, hes a monster. My bro has benched 700 pounds before and he said in his prime he could do at least 50 at 225, if not more. But, he says doing that is stupid and doesnt interest him. I was at the gym with him a while back and he was doing 585. Whenever he wants me to go to the gym with him I go running because I hate spotting him. He never used riods and doesnt use a shirt. Hes way older than me, hes 40 and its amazing he hasnt hit a down cycle. His theory is to stregthen your tendons before you throw alot of weight. If you ever go to a meet, ever lifter has a theory, I must had heard at least 10 over the year. Hes more concern now of squatting 850 pounds than benching. I wasnt there but he said he got 805 yesterday. Anyways, bottom line, Larry is a strong mofo but he would just be one of the guys at these meets.