Late games thread

You can't tell me the NFL isn't fixed..this game is all set up for another great Aaron Rodgers comeback. Barf.:eek:
So AR missed on a long throw, then under throws that.
If that was Dak, people would be ballistic.
Two great QBs showing poise, gliding and stepping up in the pocket.

Dak spazzes out at the hint of pressure and starts spinning for no reason, taking his eyes of his receivers.
Man Rodgers doesn’t look right at all. He still makes some crazy throw but he’s getting hit way too much.
I grant that Rodgers is a great QB but seems to be such a drama queen. Staubach Aikman Montana Marino Farve took twice the hits without the ref protection. And didn’t limp around holding their arms. Ok I’m an old fart and loved the toughness of the game in its time.
Well coached. Great system. Great QB. Great FO. Consistent winners. Yes I’m envious.
Greatest coach in the history of the game. And a QB second to none.

With the way the league is set up to encourage parity, they are the only team that is there every single year at the end. A couple plays away from two or three more titles. There is not a better run franchise in all of sports.