LaVar Arrington anyone?


If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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Arrington Wants to Play, but Vows Not to Complain

Since we will have some cap space to sign a FA or two this offseason, anyone interested in us picking him up? I can't believe his career is being reduced to this. I thought he would be an absolute monster in the NFL. I still can't see the skins letting him go, but he has a huge contract and the skins have cap problems.

By Jason La Canfora
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, October 4, 2005; Page E09

Washington Commanders linebacker LaVar Arrington said he remains perplexed by his lack of playing time this season -- he said he was used in only two plays in Sunday's 20-17 overtime win over Seattle -- but vowed yesterday at Commanders Park not to let that become a distraction.

Maintaining that he is "100 percent healthy" after missing nearly a year with knee injuries, Arrington quashed reports from Sunday's game telecast that a refusal to play special teams contributed to his situation ("I'll do whatever I can to help the team," he said) and said he has received no firm answers for his drop down the depth chart.

"If the direction [of the team] is going away from me and going toward other things," said Arrington, 27, "then as a man I have to accept that and have to move on and figure out what's next for me if that's the situation that's in front of me. But by no means am I going to sit here and whine and complain."

Several NFL executives and player agents had predicted Arrington's benching as a precursor to his release. He had been mired in a lengthy grievance over his eight-year, $68 million contract that was only recently resolved, and clashed with the organization over the handling of his injuries last season. Arrington, the second overall pick in the 2000 draft, carries a $12 million salary cap figure for 2006, and while cutting him in the offseason could result in an $11 million cap hit in 2006, the Commanders have endured such penalties in the past to create future cap room. Arrington has a $6.5 million roster bonus due in July, sources said, and cutting him before then would save the Commanders $7 million in actual dollars (including Arrington's 2006 base salary).

The defense has thrived in his absence -- Arrington has played only two full games since this coaching staff took over before the 2004 season -- and Arrington's playing time has diminished in each game this season, with him getting on the field for successive plays in the second quarter against Seattle and spending the rest of the afternoon on the sidelines with his helmet off and nary a grass stain on his uniform. Chris Clemons is playing in many of the situations Arrington did in Week 1.

"I'm a part of the team," Arrington said, "and however they want to use me is up to them. I'm here. I don't want my situation to be a distraction and a problem. We're 3-0, and obviously what we're doing, something is right. Do I hate being off the field? Of course. I hate not playing, but what can I do? I don't make those decisions. The finger gets pointed at me like, 'Why aren't you playing, LaVar?' Or, 'What is LaVar doing wrong not to be playing?' I'm here on time, I don't get in trouble off the field, and I don't get in trouble on the field. I do what I'm asked to do. Right now I'm asked to sit and watch, and that's what I'm doing."

Linebackers coach Dale Lindsey has been frustrated by the focus on an individual player -- "He'll play more when his number is called. That's all there is to say. Everybody is looking for something that isn't there." Gregg Williams, assistant head coach-defense, has about 22 packages ready on game day; yesterday, Arrington used the word "package" -- minus the "s" -- to describe his spot in the game plan.

Coach Joe Gibbs, who spoke with Arrington yesterday morning, said he understands that there may be concerns, but said other talented defenders deserve to be in the packages as well.

"I know he's disappointed not making more of an impact, not playing more," Gibbs said. "It's something we just have to work our way through. I think our defensive schemes are trying to use all of our people. In this case, I could see people saying, 'Hey, I don't understand that.' But I think it's just something we're working our way through as we scheme it up. It's just one of those things."


Well-Known Member
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Absolutely NOT! He is like a fast growing form of CANCER.......he would kill our growing team.


Active Member
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The guy has potential if he would learn to suck it up and play. He will never be the player he was drafted to be with the #2 overall pick. Sorry, no. But he still can be a solid player as long as he understands he is nowhere near the Almighty's gift to linebacking that he thinks he is.

He is a personal-foul penalty machine who had one really good season and cost Washington a fortune. He has been an overall negative on the field for Washington without question-- even die-hard Washington fans would not deny this. The only question is whether or not he is willing to work hard at salvaging his career.


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I remember him on the Commanders, he always had such great talent, but always took himself out of plays being way too aggressive. Guy could have had a bigtime career if he ended up with a solid team and developed a better attitude. The Commanders have ruined him most likely now.

Bull Frog

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He's at the top of my 'Over Rated' list and has been for awhile. I'll pass.


Arch Defender
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one of the most overrated and injury prone players in the league, with a penchent for stupid penalties and blown assignments...

no thanks



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When Marvin Lewis ran the Skins defense, he got frustrated at LaVar because of all the whining about the plays he liked/didn't like and the freelancing. There was an article at the time that said LaVar actually had an established hand signal he'd use when lining up that would communicate to the defense he had no idea what play they were running and he'd be freelancing for that play.

So... ummm, no.


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He plays on the same side as Ware. No way Ware sits for this guy. His fifteen minutes of fame have been over for quite some time.


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Not to mention, this is the guy that ended Aikman's career. I would hope all other issues aside, that'd be enough to keep him out of here.
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Possible great Impact player that isn't allowed to play to his talents....
Sounds like a great fit here...

Heck that innovative wuss zimmy would try & make a FS out of him... :lmao2:


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I would like to have him, if we could put him on Al Singleton side... that would be a upgrade... but not over Demarcus Ware...

Jerry Jones is real cheap... I doubt seriously if Jerry Jones trade for him or sign him... It would be a cold day in hell once Jerry does that..


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Arrington might have grandchildren by the time he matures enough to truly contribute to a team. Joe Gibbs is a great coach and is not going to put up with undisciplined players. Kudos to Joe.


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Compacity said:
I would like to have him, if we could put him on Al Singleton side... that would be a upgrade... but not over Demarcus Ware...

Jerry Jones is real cheap... I doubt seriously if Jerry Jones trade for him or sign him... It would be a cold day in hell once Jerry does that..

Jerry? Real cheap???

After finally getting out of salary cap hell, you think it would be smart to trade for an EXPENSIVE, over-rated, injury-prone player?

Now that would just be STUPID. I can only hope that "It would be a cold day in hell once jerry does that".


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FightingFoo said:
Jerry? Real cheap???

After finally getting out of salary cap hell, you think it would be smart to trade for an EXPENSIVE, over-rated, injury-prone player?

Now that would just be STUPID. I can only hope that "It would be a cold day in hell once jerry does that".

Pretty much exactly what I was going to reply to his post with.

"Cheap" is one of the last adjectives I'd use to describe Jerry Jones.