Let See the Cowboys vs. espn on this!


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NextGenBoys;3507235 said:
I hope he gets buried.

He's always the first to talk down and chastise about other people's mishaps and any problems with behavior.

Everyone is human, but when you act like you're better than people and talk down to them on national TV, I think you deserve the same when it happens to you.

...In a way I guess thats hypocritical, but whatever.
I seem to remember Mariotti getting into a war of words with Chicage White Sox mngr Ozzie Guillen. He lambasted Guillen for using foul language. Mariotti used Guillen and his personality to make the story bigger than what it was.
If these sportwriters want to get on tv and radio then they should be accountable as any other sports celebrity...they should be fair game.


The Duke
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Yakuza Rich;3507241 said:
I have about a handful of friends that work in the sports media in some capacity. When it comes to all time jerks in the sports media that even the other sports media people just don't like, Mariotti and Lupica top the list by far.

Funny how ESPN employs both of these ******bags.

Bill Conlin has to be up there.

Yakuza Rich

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Hostile;3507325 said:
Bill Conlin has to be up there.

I'll have to ask. But I think he was before our time (all of us are still in our 30's and 2 guys are in their early 40's).

One of them works in Michigan and does not have a good word to say about Mitch Albom and one time I was hanging out with him and some friends that work for different papers and the subject of the Albom plagiarism case came up and they said the guy had been doing that for years, he just finally got caught.

And ESPN brought him back :rolleyes:



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The Emperor;3506286 said:
Does anyone have the translation of what he said? I don't get it. Jay Marrioti was arrested for hitting a woman, and if this were a Cowboy, it would be bigger news?


Yakuza Rich

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tyke1doe;3507408 said:
Why would it? Sports fans don't care about Jay Mariotti.

Mariotti likes to hold athletes to a high standard while on the ESPN airwaves. He's a staple on ATH, a popular show on ESPN. He's also being arrested for a FELONY (according to the LA Times).

I kind of doubt they'll mention it because with Jeremy Green getting arrested for child pornography and if Mariotti's case is really bad, it makes them look very bad. Although ESPN has had a history of hiring a lot of scumbags, letting them act like scumbags and turning the other cheek. Now it seems like the other parts of the media are more into it so they may not.

Maybe they should just hire better people to begin with. But they should mention it. Hell, they'd want the Cowboys to talke about it if their quality control assistant coach was arrested on a felony charge.



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big dog cowboy;3507064 said:
That is actually pretty amazing. His length of service at ESPN would lead me to believe that practically anyone who follows sports has at least heard of the guy.
I only turn on that network for MNF and unless the Cowboys are playing it's pretty much background noise unless there is a big play.


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67CowboysFan;3506408 said:
I have no idea who Jay Marriotti is so I had to google it. That's how much I watch ESPN. :D
He used to write for the Chicago Tribune and became national on ESPN Around The Horn. He has pissed off a few people in Chicago namely Roger Ebert, Hawk Harrelson and Ozzie Guillen. I am pretty sure each one enjoyed this news today.


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Yakuza Rich;3507241 said:
I have about a handful of friends that work in the sports media in some capacity. When it comes to all time jerks in the sports media that even the other sports media people just don't like, Mariotti and Lupica top the list by far.

Funny how ESPN employs both of these ******bags.

Lupica is a million times more irritating than Mariotti.