I found this video and thought you guys might like it.
Moderately_Askew Heelsboy Messages 590 Reaction score 820 Jan 7, 2015 #1 I found this video and thought you guys might like it.
cowboyblue31 Active Member Messages 388 Reaction score 33 Jan 7, 2015 #3 Cant....stop...watching. AWESOME!
SJRTX Active Member Messages 117 Reaction score 64 Jan 7, 2015 #4 Nice video. for some reason I expected it to be that non-pi call looped over and over. From what I can tell in the media thats the only play that happened in that game.
Nice video. for some reason I expected it to be that non-pi call looped over and over. From what I can tell in the media thats the only play that happened in that game.