Little thing, but I don't run Julius from our 1/2 yard line!


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Julius Jones is not a tackle breaker. His balance is not one of his strengths. He's running harder and keeping his legs churning better, but this will never be his forte. Sorry.

So I think one thing that is missed is that, from the 1/2 yard line, or in any short yardage situation (running plays of less than 2 yards) my man is Marion Barber over and over and over again. He has shown the ability to move the pile where Jones, even with incredible momentum gets hammered sideways or to a dead stop. Jones is short and not much over 200 pounds. Most of his weight is in his upper body. Barber is the better power runner hands down.

So my point is, if Barber provides a spark and we want to get him in the game more, why the hell do you run Jones from our 1/2 yard line? Emmitt, Sanders, Tiki Barber, these guys had the balance to stay on feet after contact. Jones is a space runner, he's good with holes and in open field. He is not great pushing piles or breaking even arm tackles. I like him, he's just not that type of back.

I think Barber should get far more plays. But particularly ones that are for short yardage or at our own endzone. Early in the year I felt Julius got stopped flat in a numer of 2nd and 3rd and less than 2 yard plays. The blocking wasn't great, but I felt a more powerful runner, one that dives, lunges, scrambles for extra yards, and is reckless would have made a couple of those first downs.

I'm not sure what it is with Jones, he glides over the field and doesn't seem to have one or two feet on the ground a lot and that is why a simple hand often trips him up when he looks like he's got 15 yards of open space ahead of him and it's also why he gets decleated, completely stopping his momentum even when hit after running 4-6 yards. I'm often surprised that he doesn't eke out a yard or 2 more on many of his runs. He goes down fast and without forward momentum. As coaches have pointed out, Jones gets hit flush and hard a bunch. Rewatch tape of his runs. Even on the 4-7 yard runs, he is often stopped dead at contact, not even falling forward for that extra yard or two. When he gets hit while upright he gets turned and moved sideways or backwards or stopped dead consistently. When he gets low and lunges he makes an extra yard or two and sometimes can keep leg going a bit, but even then he gets powered down. When he's making guys miss he's at his best.

Just some observations. Any thoughts, agreements, or rebuttals? I have an incling that Julius will not reach that top back ability that Dorsett, Walker, and Emmitt spoiled us Cowboys fans with. He just doesn't make enough yards when given the opportunity or make enough of those big plays where he turns nothing into something or something minor into something more.

I think Barber deserves a shot, but not sure if he could take the pounding game after game either, because he really throws himself in there.

Bad coaching call on the 1/2 yard line if you ask me though. Even though I never thought it was a safety from any of the camera angles I saw.

It gets predictable with these "short yardage" running backs. Every 1 or 2 yards to go if MBIII walks in the linebackers will start bearing down closer to the line. With JJ staying in we have the defense thinking run? pass? playaction? Seems to keep them off balance a little bit more.
Agreed. That's a "goalline" situation. Barber is the goalline back.
I don't keep the flag in my pocket, either. You gotta trust your coaches, but damn.....
superpunk;1152091 said:
I don't keep the flag in my pocket, either. You gotta trust your coaches, but damn.....
I was sure they could hear me in Maryland the way I was yelling at the TV>
Inside the 5 yard line I wouldnt mind MBIII always in. My reply was just for more anywhere else on the field I guess.
Two things about that play. One, I agree with you that Barber is probably who I would have run in that situation if your trying to create a little room and secure against the safety but also, why on earth do you run an off tackle play in that situation? I know they probably figure you run behind your best OL which is supposed to be Adams but honestly, I'd have run it straight ahead behind AG. JJ didn't have a chance to make positive yards in that situation because the defense hit him while his hips were still lateral to the LOS. Penatration shouldn't have happened, that is sure, but if we had run it to the Guard or Center, I doubt he would have been brought down for the safety. JMO.
I have to agree with you on this subj, Barber is our man inside the 10 or should be.....GET-R-DONE BILL!
Even more than their choice of running back, I couldn't believe they tried to run the play that they did!

They had a solid double-team on the left with Kosier and Gurode and should have executed a simple drive-blocking run play.

Instead, they tried to pull Rivera to the left and ran outside the double-team.

Sheer bone-headed play calling if you ask me.
if you get the guys blocked it does'nt matter who's in there. i would have thrown a slant to t.o. but thats just me. i never like running ouit of the end zone. jst too many things can go wrong. even if jones getsto the 1 yd line you still are pinned back. i would have passed but i can't really question the decision. if it had worked, like the 2 point conversion then they both look like great decisions
Disagree about JJ and balance. He does glide- but you can only do that if you are balanced. He could not make the cuts and moves he does if he was not. You are confusing balance with stability and steadiness. Barber runs with more power and steadiness- but less balance and abililty to move and make cuts. The difference between a dancer and a runner is the runner can be more steady, but the dancer is quicker and has better balance.
Who was in there and what play was ran is irrelevant since it WASN'T a safety. The refs screwed up and the coaches in the booth screwed up more.

I like your word choice better than mine, and agree that steadiness versus balance is probably the correct term. Point remains the same. Julius is a dancer and in short yardage plays or for 1/2 the running plays in the game, I like the pounder a bit more, since the dancer is more likely to get big yards or no yards, while the the steadier footed guy is likely to get at least 2-3 yards.

Good point though, I was having a hard time describing what I see in Julius. It comes across as negative, but it doesn't have to be, it's just different style and different strengths and weaknesses.

A couple things...

1. I think we should get off JJ for now. Its still early in his career to be saying things such as he is no Emmitt or Tony... no kiddig, but who really is. Plus, this is the 1st time in awhile I feel comfortable with out complete running game (including both backs). Running the ball is not our problem. If it aint broke, blah blah blah.

2. On our own 1/2 yardline... are there really any "good" plays to run? Our 1st safety this year against the Pretenders came from a quick 3 step drop (yes I know that was a mis-block) but it happens. When you get pinned, the risk goes up no matter what play you run. Moral of the story, dont get pinned inside your own 5 :p
Rack;1152113 said:
Who was in there and what play was ran is irrelevant since it WASN'T a safety. The refs screwed up and the coaches in the booth screwed up more.

It's completely unforgivable. I don't want to hear &$^% from Parcells about what his coaches showed him. Right after the play, at the stadium, they showed the replay, since it was a great play for the Skins, on the jumbotron. I was 800 feet away and could tell there was enough reasonable doubt to take a look at it. The replay guy at the stadium did not show it again, as it looked questionable. Parcells can't pass the buck on that one. He was much closer than I was.
Rack;1152113 said:
Who was in there and what play was ran is irrelevant since it WASN'T a safety. The refs screwed up and the coaches in the booth screwed up more.

That may be true but it doesn't change the fact that JJ is very easy to tackle and MB isn't. There was one play later in the game where JJ took a straight ahead handoff at full speed and was tackled with one arm. All his momentum stopped and he actually went backwards. He's goes down way to easy.
smarta5150;1152120 said:
A couple things...

1. I think we should get off JJ for now. Its still early in his career to be saying things such as he is no Emmitt or Tony... no kiddig, but who really is. Plus, this is the 1st time in awhile I feel comfortable with out complete running game (including both backs). Running the ball is not our problem. If it aint broke, blah blah blah.

2. On our own 1/2 yardline... are there really any "good" plays to run? Our 1st safety this year against the Pretenders came from a quick 3 step drop (yes I know that was a mis-block) but it happens. When you get pinned, the risk goes up no matter what play you run. Moral of the story, dont get pinned inside your own 5 :p

Quick count QB sneak is as good as I've ever run acrossed to just get you a yard or two of breathing room. In that situation, you just playing to get your punter enough room to allow for the room required to get the kick off. Don't turn the ball over and give your kicking team a chance. Those are the goals first and formost in that situation.
considering he made it out of the endzone and it was sheer will power that did it I would run it to him again. then I would throw the red hankie
I dont disagree with the sneak but with THE Statue of Liberty against the pretenders... I do not concur. lolol
I didn't like the play call for one reason ... it was our 1st offensive play of the game and we had no idea whether our not our line could get any push. Had we have played a few possessions and gotten a feel for what we were going to be able to do maybe I would feel differently.

My play would have been to play action roll romo out with the option to run, hit Witten with a little pass, or throw it away if neither were possible ... since he's out of the pocket there's no grounding call. Perfect situation to use the mobility of your QB.

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