Its tough to predict what gameplan any NFL team will use defensively. If we could do that, then why the hell are we sitting here behind our keyboards, LOL. Anyway, Im with the majority here. I think WAS will use the same strategy they used in the first game. Press TO at the line and use over the top saftey help. What remains to be seen is how they will play RW11 on the other side assuming he will start. Carlos Rogers, while a very good CB, just isint strong enough to handle RW11 in press coverage. Im looking at RW11 and Witten to have big days this weekend in the passing game. Maybe once WAS realizes RW11 and Witten are eating them up, they'll take the double team off of Owens and roll more coverage towards RW11 or Witten. Hopefully that will Spring(s) (pun intended) TO down the field for some big plays.
WOW, maybe I can be an OC