In the default, your ipod will sync to your itunes, so if you delete a song or video from your itunes and then Update, it will delete it from your ipod.
It's clear where the limitations to this apply, though, because if you want to put songs on from a different computer's itunes, then it would automatically delete any songs on your ipod that are not on this new computer's itunes.
Also, you may want to change the way a file is titled or something like that on your ipod, without changing your itunes, and the default won't let you do that.
The solution is to go into your ipod options on itunes, and click the box that says "Make my ipod and external drive."
By doing this, you disable automatic synching, but you enable yourself to handle the files on your ipod in a whole new way.
Now you can import and export data files to your ipod. You can retitle files on your ipod, create playlists on your ipod independent from your itunes, and import files from any number of different computers. And, of course, you can delete files on your ipod without deleting them from your itunes.
The downside is that all updates have to be done manually now. If you download a hundred new songs, you have to click them and drag them over by yourself and create new playlists on your ipod and move them into them.
It's a little more work, but definitely worth it.