sorry it wasn't..lol good try putting it on Dak again.. Look I'd have to watch the play again but if I remember right he was super rushed and just couldn't get anything on the ball.. Like I believe a guy was in his face I mean I I still remember the play but that's not the one that changed the game sure that would have helped if they could have got the ball out there but that didn't guarantee he gets in the end zone what if he fumble it what if he got hit what if his knee would have flew off you want to go on these what if games? All I know is at that point Brooke slipped down and it turned into an interception it turned into a complete turn around because he ran the ball back and then they scored a touchdown that was the turning point in momentum and in the game in my opinion I'm sorry you're looking at a play that I believe Prescott had a guy in his face from the snap want to talk about the offensive line man I don't remember who that was but I believe it was Kent Steele getting beat right off the snap but I'd have to remember again because I sort of lost some of my details from yesterday because I just want to forget about the game. I mean if we're gonna do that then we can just go to that play earlier and they gonna blame who CD lamb for coming inside where Prescott the quarterback who's probably got a better read on the play thought he was going outside would've been a touchdown and we could do the what if game all day but what I do know as we got right back down the field until Brooke slipped and then this created a full run back and they got a new scoring range and scored rather easily again that seems to me the momentum killer the game turns around on that at least the chance of winning that game turned around right there...
Look man I just went back and watched it and it wasn't hard to find and I'll tell you right now two out of those 3 plays the one he flipped to zeke guy coming free off the edge it's kinda hard to throw the ball when you have a dude that's 6 foot 5 in your face from the snap making you run backwards to try to to play alive and then throw the ball forward and outside... You act like he missed like a normal throw that was not normal... Let me go back and watch it at the snap dude was right in his face he had to retreat and while retreating he had to try to throw the ball to the sideline to zeke running away from the play... It literally just came up short like it got a string pull because he couldn't put anything on it at all he's running backwards zeke's running forward his vision's block I mean yeah like that was a standard play and it wasn't...