Lots of Texans fans in Cowboys Stadium **merged**

I was at the game, probably 40% for Texans. I didn't care, we take over other teams' stadiums so what is sauce for goose is sauce for gander.
Just rewards Jerry for his greed. What would make me happy is seeing an empty stadium. Glad you've accepted the embarrassment he's turned this franchise into. We are now just another cookie cutter franchise, the only difference being the color of the uniform and logo on the helmet. How 'bout them Cowboys!

I agree with you, but you will get nowhere here on these boards with a lot of people here they like to look thru rose colored glasses and not criticize and they rationalize Jerry's blunders. Fans travel and they lost, spending $ to see their team lose blah blah blah. The fact is the Majority of Dallas fans in Dallas are fair weather fans when they do well they show up. ( Don't misinterpete me they have hard core fans I'm sure but not nearly enough to support that monstrosity of a stadium ) I live in the east coast and have watched Dallas in away teams homes and I consider myself and the legions of fans who travel to opposing teams house to be part of making them Americas team. Dallas fans in Dallas can maybe say they hate Jerry its too expensive all valid points. But to witness home games against the NINERS and now Texans look and sound like an away game Is absolutely ridiculous. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES. its pretty bad when your QB calls you out.
“It would drive me nuts,” Cuban said of having to listen to opposing fans be louder than the Cowboys’ faithful.

Cuban said the price tag for AT&T Stadium — plus lukewarm expectations for the Cowboys this season — have conspired to put Jones behind the 8-ball.

“When I first bought the Mavs, we’d have more Lakers and Spurs fans than Mavericks fans, and it killed me,” Cuban said.

“Jerry’s in a Catch-22 in some respects because that’s a very, very expensive building. He took one for the team in some respects. He created a landmark. They’re going to talk about it in the future like they used to talk about the Astrodome as the Eighth Wonder of the World. And he put that landmark right here in North Texas for all of us to enjoy. And part of having to pay for a $1.2 billion building is [high] ticket prices.

“Part of the trade-off, particularly going into the season when people didn’t think they were going to have a [good] season, you got to sell those tickets. That’s just what happens. So I do feel bad for him. He’s in a tough situation. It would kill me, but I don’t have a $1.2 billion building.”

Cuban, whose team has an NBA-best sellout streak of 514 regular-season home games, has 19,200 seats to sell for 41 home games each season.

Jones has to fill 80,000 seats for eight regular-season home games. In Cuban’s opinion, simply winning games isn’t necessarily the cure-all.

“After we won a championship, I lowered prices,” Cuban said. “I don’t do it to make a killing. I feel like we’re the property of North Texas and fans here. Every seat won’t be affordable, but I want as many seats as possible to be affordable, so I’ll take a little different approach. But I don’t have a $1.2 billion building.”

Read more: http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sports/...s-attendance-issue-it-would-drive-me-nuts.ece

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