Low carb diet.


A Plastic Container
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I started it on the first of this month and have lost 10 lb so far (A lot of it is probably water weight, I know)

I went on it several years ago and dropped about 50 lbs. Gained that back though when I went off of it.

Any other low carb dieters here?
no because of what you just said there about gaining it right back.

Now of course that can be said for any diet, really, but low carb diets are even worse about it.

Not to mention if you're into working out, while eating right, then being on a low card diet is detrimental to your workout success.
tupperware;3967753 said:
I started it on the first of this month and have lost 10 lb so far (A lot of it is probably water weight, I know)

I went on it several years ago and dropped about 50 lbs. Gained that back though when I went off of it.

Any other low carb dieters here?

A big thing nowadays is the CKD, or Cyclical Keto Diet. I've forgotten the specifics of it, but you should check it out.
no rice is my main staple. I hunger for it when I'm with the BF and eat American food all the time.
there is a diet out there right now called the palieo diet. It involves eating just what our early ancestors ate. Currently I have dropped 10 pounds in 10 weeks and my energy level is awesome. I workout 3-4 times a week and can eat any quantity of food as long as it falls in the categories they have set out :)
I think I'm going to take up Yeager's diet. The Chocolate Milk Diet.
Low card diets are neither effective in the long term nor are they particuarly healthy. People typically become tired, lethargic and unable to work out as hard as they want to while on them, and weight comes back very quickly once you go off of it.

The majority of diets are simply ways of exploiting those who are ignorant of how their body works. Eat a balanced diet, drink lots of milk and water and use more calories than you take in. It's very, very simple.
The30YardSlant;3967891 said:
Low card diets are neither effective in the long term nor are they particuarly healthy.

Card? Is that like cardboard? :muttley:

I agree though. Low carb diets generally lead to weight loss, then weight gain.

If you want weight loss, eat smart and use portion control. (and I highly stress portion control) Then exercise some each day. Even if you just take a two mile walk with your headphones.

Cutting all foods with carbohydrates is a terrible thing to do. Just limit how much of it you eat. The only carbohydrate you should not eat are empty ones. Like candy and soft drinks. Those are absolutely horrible even if you are exercising.

A 20 ounce Coke has 240 calories and 65g of carbs. To burn those calories you would have to walk for almost three miles. A Hershey bar has 300 calories, 36g carbs, and 18g of fat! The worst part about it is it will stifle your hunger for maybe 15-30 minutes and they provide almost zero nutritional value. Don't get me started on "energy drinks" and how bad those are for the body.

I eat pasta, pizza, and a whole host of other things that many diets consider no, nos. Portion control is key. Don't eat half of a large pizza. You don't need that much food or that many calories, carbs, and fat.
Low carb diets are about the only diet I can stick with for weight loss. I went from about 330 pounds to 215 on one and I've kept the vast majority of it off even though I've been eating like an idiot for a few months now. :)
Phoenix;3967907 said:
Beer diet for me.

I'll take Scotch. Maybe an occasional spicy Bloody Mary. If it's beer, it better have a lot of flavor. If you pass me a Coors Light, you're liable to get shot!
Ozzu;3967909 said:
Low carb diets are about the only diet I can stick with for weight loss. I went from about 330 pounds to 215 on one and I've kept the vast majority of it off even though I've been eating like an idiot for a few months now. :)

I find other diets I've tried in the past incredibly discouraging.
nyc;3967911 said:
I'll take Scotch. Maybe an occasional spicy Bloody Mary. If it's beer, it better have a lot of flavor. If you pass me a Coors Light, you're liable to get shot!

Oh absolutely. Thirteen years in Germany got me quite used to pure beer, not American watered-down 700-ingredient (including bleach traces) crap
I eat low carb but not fanatical about it...

It's really sensible if you think about it. When a lot of us were growing up mom made a balanced meal. Meat, veggies and potatos or other carbs. We don't eat like that anymore. We have giant baked potatoes for a meal. We constantly snack on chips and other foods high in carbs and our body can't handle it correctly.

The Atkins is misunderstood. You DO go without ANY carbs during the first week, but after a while you can have 20 carbs a day... that's more than people think it is.

Most people should cut down their carb intake on their normal everyday diet...
Just eat a balanced, portion controlled diet, cut out simple carbs (not complex carbs), eat several smaller meals instead of a few large ones, and vary your exercise routine. That should help most people lose weight.
The only true need for a low carb diet is if you're trying to cut to very low body fat, like sub 8%. Body builders, etc. Basically you're just trying to dehydrate yourself to look as cut as possible and cutting the carbs helps with that.

For normal people, weight loss is just about eating less and exercising more. Low carb works, just like a balanced diet works. You eat less calories than your body burns and you lose mass. Many people get mixed up because they think it's the fact that they're eating low carb that's making them successful when the truth of it is really that eating chicken and green leafy veggies but not eating the big portion of bread works because of the calories you're not eating, not because of the macronutrients of those calories.
If you want to trim some fat, just use one of these. They come in a variety of fashionable colors!

Yeagermeister;3967969 said:
and vanilla ice cream

Did the low carb once then found out it will harm your kidneys.
Now, no sugar added, vanilla ice cream and a B&W rootbeer,if I can get away with it.
Did best on Nutri-system diet.

Later was stricken with Dunlaps disease and quit trying.:D
jubal;3968828 said:
Did the low carb once then found out it will harm your kidneys.

I had a kidney issue for a couple of years that was brought on by Atkins diet. Not life-threatening, but it was too much for my system--but this is obviously not the case for everybody. I've done other somewhat reduced carb plans that were fine, and have fully recovered since, but the severity (at least initially) of the Atkins deal was too radical.

Portion control, cut out the empty soda calories (although I don't do the diet crap because those sweeteners are almighty migraine triggers), drink water, don't be a turd on the sofa all day... If you can ever achieve consistency with that, no need to crash up and down on some crazy deprivation diet.

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