Thanks. Not sure we need to bring the lord into it, but I'll relax since you asked.
"Stat geek" is too flattering. I'm just a humble football fan who happens to have taken his graduate courses in research methods seriously, and knows just enough about probabilities to be dangerous.
That said, you know you're on thin ice to begin with... hence the interest to suggest repositioning the goal posts to something more welcoming to the desired conclusion... saying the very same draft overseers know how to draft HoFers at one position, but are complete nincompoops when it comes to this other position is just absurd on its face.
Yes, there is art to drafting, if by "art" we're talking about appreciating, say, the smoothness of how a lineman moves his feet--areas where there's plausible correlation between some factor and likely success, but nothing you can actually put a number on. Yes, self-evidently, there is a numbers/science aspect to drafting. And then, there's the random chance element that is the sum of the myriad factors that no one is able to measure or anticipate but that effect the outcome... which with some regularity ends up being the major factor... and thus, the most consistent reason for regression... or in other cases, progression... to the mean.