Mad Men

Maikeru-sama;3377423 said:
The Wire, Dexter and Six Feet Under are classics and early on, you got a sense that those shows were going to be special.

Mad Men is boring, none of the characters or themes are compelling enough to force me to watch and I will be moving on to Breaking Bad.

I cringed when the female character went to the doctor and the doctor immediately pulled out a smoke and proceeded to insinuate that she was a "loose" woman and these kinds of women have trouble finding a good man :eek: .

Okay, if that scene turned you off from the show, then it REALLY isn't for you, so good choice.
theogt;3377808 said:
Okay, if that scene turned you off from the show, then it REALLY isn't for you, so good choice.

I was just about to say that people did smoke like chimneys back then (even docs) and loose women do have a hard time finding a quality mate (even today). So nothing about that scene strikes me as unusual or remarkable.
AbeBeta;3375979 said:
plus, as a bonus, each episode gives you an excuse to drink excessive amount of liquor

This. And if you're a smoker (I'm not, but I imagine), you won't feel nearly as bad for putting down a pack or two a day.
Yeagermeister;3376306 said:
Dexter is one of those shows that build slowly to a crazy ending. It reminds of The Wire in that way. I never expected the last season to end like it did.

This is the first and probable last time those shows will be compared.

I do like both of them, but really I don't see any resemblance.
bbgun;3377884 said:
I was just about to say that people did smoke like chimneys back then (even docs) and loose women do have a hard time finding a quality mate (even today). So nothing about that scene strikes me as unusual or remarkable.
*sips Scotch in his office*

*nods head*

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