Hey ABQ, hope you're well.
In my opinion if someone feels they "need" to carry guns they have other issues to sort out - unless they want to live in the wild west where everyone has a gun and just blammos people for any reason. Its all very interesting...I've never been a big gun person myself. I mean its fun to shoot stuff but I'm not stressing on the "making my life safer" side of it. If I was I'd eat a lot healthier, refrain from drinking, and sleep 8 hours a night, haha. I'm also not opposed to them, though I think peoples' arguments are fairly silly.
Isn't it sad that a school shooting isn't the top headline dominating the news anymore? Are we already that desensitized to it? I hope not!
Hey Vlad,
Doing OK and hope you are same. I understand your point of view and if I believed that if, as a society, we could live life without guns, I would probably lean towards that view myself. Unfortunately, I just don't think it's realistic to believe that people will not have guns.
This case is certainly different then the norm. I'd imagine that more was going on here then just an elderly guy getting upset over somebody texting. I'm going to guess that this person probably had some medical issues that we know nothing about. I'm guessing that this is probably what lead him to doing what he did. Certainly not an excuse but probably the reason this happened the way it did.
The underlying aspects of this are really fear. Fear drives a lot of why people own guns. To remove that fear, you have to be able to remove the threat of violence and that's just not going to happen anytime soon, if ever. It's hard wired into us over millions of years of evolution. Hard to fight nature where that is concerned.