Man up, last thing that made you cry

Hostile;4611745 said:
You're the only person on the site who knows.

Your story killed me. So glad he is going to be all right. I assume no lingering issues?

No Issues at all. I told my daughter to put a football helmet on him and call me when he turns 18.

Take your wife to see People Like Us. I actually thought about you in that movie.
FloridaRob;4611733 said:
Two weeks ago Friday afternoon, I got a call from my daughter that my 1.5 year old grandson was trying to get out of his crib and as my son in law was walking in the room he crawled to the top and launched himself out of it onto a tile floor. He hit his head, knocked himself out and he would not wake up. They called the helicopter to airlift him to Tampa but the weather was too bad to land. They called an ambulance and because of traffic it took them almost two hours to get there. When I got the call all I knew was that he would not wake up and he was going to have to be airlifted. The little boy who two nights before I walked around Tropicana Field with him while at a baseball game might not make it I thought.

I called my wife, told her to get home and I fell down on my knees and prayed and wept. I feared the worse. While I waited for my wife to get home for us to go the hospital, my brother in law came by and we prayed with me in the driveway. He is one of the National Leaders for the Royal Rangers program and he made a call and within minutes my grandsons name was on a prayer chain across the country. That moved me to more tears.

Heading to the Tampa Hospital we were in constant contact with my daughter who told me the baby woke up in the ambulance. They had him on a board to keep him immovable. When we got there and were finally allowed to see him, I broke down again seeing him wrapped up like a coccoon with IVs out of arms and his head bandaged. All that could move on him was his eyes and he kept looking at me to help him.

All test came back negative and after a night stay for observation he was deemed ok. Thank God. The crib came down and now he sleeps in a toddler bed.

That was the most helpless feeling that I have ever experienced and never want to experience again.

Glad to hear he's alright
My mother passed a couple of days before X-Mas, 2010. The following few months I had episodes where I would just start crying at various times. Anything could set me off.
I'm a woman, so this is not some big feat to admit crying. I'm soft-hearted and get weepy over something that strikes me in just the right way.

The most recent was this:

(I played the violin for years and hearing classical music like that really gets right to the tender spots for me.)
FloridaRob;4611733 said:
Two weeks ago Friday afternoon, I got a call from my daughter that my 1.5 year old grandson was trying to get out of his crib and as my son in law was walking in the room he crawled to the top and launched himself out of it onto a tile floor. He hit his head, knocked himself out and he would not wake up. They called the helicopter to airlift him to Tampa but the weather was too bad to land. They called an ambulance and because of traffic it took them almost two hours to get there. When I got the call all I knew was that he would not wake up and he was going to have to be airlifted. The little boy who two nights before I walked around Tropicana Field with him while at a baseball game might not make it I thought.

I called my wife, told her to get home and I fell down on my knees and prayed and wept. I feared the worse. While I waited for my wife to get home for us to go the hospital, my brother in law came by and we prayed with me in the driveway. He is one of the National Leaders for the Royal Rangers program and he made a call and within minutes my grandsons name was on a prayer chain across the country. That moved me to more tears.

Heading to the Tampa Hospital we were in constant contact with my daughter who told me the baby woke up in the ambulance. They had him on a board to keep him immovable. When we got there and were finally allowed to see him, I broke down again seeing him wrapped up like a coccoon with IVs out of arms and his head bandaged. All that could move on him was his eyes and he kept looking at me to help him.

All test came back negative and after a night stay for observation he was deemed ok. Thank God. The crib came down and now he sleeps in a toddler bed.

That was the most helpless feeling that I have ever experienced and never want to experience again.
I understand. Grandkids has that effect on me as well. I am glad everything turned out okay.
I shed my last tears a month ago when I finally got custody of my three grandchildren after a long emotional fight. They were tears of joy and now I am raising a six year old girl, a five year old girl and a five month old boy. It doesn't get any better.
Faerluna;4611773 said:
I'm a woman, so this is not some big feat to admit crying. I'm soft-hearted and get weepy over something that strikes me in just the right way.

The most recent was this:

(I played the violin for years and hearing classical music like that really gets right to the tender spots for me.)

I am not a big classical music fan at all, but it I think it is the only music that has ever brought a tear to my eye. It's powerfull stuff.
jnday;4611774 said:
I understand. Grandkids has that effect on me as well. I am glad everything turned out okay.
I shed my last tears a month ago when I finally got custody of my three grandchildren after a long emotional fight. They were tears of joy and now I am raising a six year old girl, a five year old girl and a five month old boy. It doesn't get any better.

If I would have know how great the grandkids are, I would have had them before my own kids first. There is a unconditional trust with them that I never had with my kids. IF I told them to jump off a roof and I would catch them, they would do it without a question. My kids would argue for a week before they would do it.

I worry about the grandkids more than I worried about my kids when they were young. I guess you learn from your mistakes and don't want your own kids to make the same ones with theirs.
FloridaRob;4611733 said:
Two weeks ago Friday afternoon, I got a call from my daughter that my 1.5 year old grandson was trying to get out of his crib and as my son in law was walking in the room he crawled to the top and launched himself out of it onto a tile floor. He hit his head, knocked himself out and he would not wake up. They called the helicopter to airlift him to Tampa but the weather was too bad to land. They called an ambulance and because of traffic it took them almost two hours to get there. When I got the call all I knew was that he would not wake up and he was going to have to be airlifted. The little boy who two nights before I walked around Tropicana Field with him while at a baseball game might not make it I thought.

I called my wife, told her to get home and I fell down on my knees and prayed and wept. I feared the worse. While I waited for my wife to get home for us to go the hospital, my brother in law came by and we prayed with me in the driveway. He is one of the National Leaders for the Royal Rangers program and he made a call and within minutes my grandsons name was on a prayer chain across the country. That moved me to more tears.

Heading to the Tampa Hospital we were in constant contact with my daughter who told me the baby woke up in the ambulance. They had him on a board to keep him immovable. When we got there and were finally allowed to see him, I broke down again seeing him wrapped up like a coccoon with IVs out of arms and his head bandaged. All that could move on him was his eyes and he kept looking at me to help him.

All test came back negative and after a night stay for observation he was deemed ok. Thank God. The crib came down and now he sleeps in a toddler bed.

That was the most helpless feeling that I have ever experienced and never want to experience again.

Wow Glad he is ok. I can't even imagine what that was like.
Gran Torino. Then end..when the will is being read...and he left the asian kid the Gran Torino. Such a great movie!!
FloridaRob;4611733 said:
Two weeks ago Friday afternoon, I got a call from my daughter that my 1.5 year old grandson was trying to get out of his crib and as my son in law was walking in the room he crawled to the top and launched himself out of it onto a tile floor. He hit his head, knocked himself out and he would not wake up. They called the helicopter to airlift him to Tampa but the weather was too bad to land. They called an ambulance and because of traffic it took them almost two hours to get there. When I got the call all I knew was that he would not wake up and he was going to have to be airlifted. The little boy who two nights before I walked around Tropicana Field with him while at a baseball game might not make it I thought.

I called my wife, told her to get home and I fell down on my knees and prayed and wept. I feared the worse. While I waited for my wife to get home for us to go the hospital, my brother in law came by and we prayed with me in the driveway. He is one of the National Leaders for the Royal Rangers program and he made a call and within minutes my grandsons name was on a prayer chain across the country. That moved me to more tears.

Heading to the Tampa Hospital we were in constant contact with my daughter who told me the baby woke up in the ambulance. They had him on a board to keep him immovable. When we got there and were finally allowed to see him, I broke down again seeing him wrapped up like a coccoon with IVs out of arms and his head bandaged. All that could move on him was his eyes and he kept looking at me to help him.

All test came back negative and after a night stay for observation he was deemed ok. Thank God. The crib came down and now he sleeps in a toddler bed.

That was the most helpless feeling that I have ever experienced and never want to experience again.
Wow; so glad he's okay.

I had a similar experience with my son at around the same age. My wife was taking a shower. For whatever reason, he ran full speed into the bathroom. Of course, the tiles were slick, his feet went right out from under him and his head slammed right into the floor. There was a terrifying 5 seconds or so where he was silent (and bleeding like crazy from his scalp), and then he started to scream his head off, which was just about the best sound I ever heard. Ten minutes later, he'd forgotten all about it (as in "I'm over it", not "I've lost my memory"). Definitely one of the biggest scares I ever had, though.
Rynie;4612147 said:
Gran Torino. Then end..when the will is being read...and he left the asian kid the Gran Torino. Such a great movie!!
Great movie is right.

Thought I wanted to see me some Dirty Harry... The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly... Pale Rider sorta justice dispensed at the end. Absolutely felt those gangbangers had it coming. Then, like everyone else, I saw how Gran Torino actual ended. Perfect ending for that movie.

Much better, in keeping with the film's character make-ups, IMO. Great setup for the tearjerker part — the leaving of the car to the kid — like you mentioned, Rynie.
wittenacious;4612162 said:
Great movie is right.

Thought I wanted to see me some Dirty Harry... The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly... Pale Rider sorta justice dispensed at the end. Those gangbangers deserved it. Then, like everyone else, I saw Gran Torino's actual ending. Perfect for that movie.

Much better, in keeping with the film's character make-ups. Great setup for the tearjerker — the leaving of the car to the kid — like you mentioned, Rynie.

IMO, it's one of the best endings to a movie, EVER. Overall, it's just a SOLID movie.
I get a bit choaked up every so often. However, the last time I actually had tears running down my face was almost 20 years ago when a girl I thought I was going to marry dumped me for another guy.

It took me a bit to get over her but it toughened me up. It was also a good then as a few eyars leater she became kind of a loon.
When I was telling my cousin on my other side of the family about how I reconciled with my grandfather before he passed away years ago. We had a contentious/often ugly relationship at times, when I lived under his roof. As he got sicker, I was the only one there to take care of him, as his wife, my grandmother was in a nursing home. He asked me one night after I helped him shower and get dressed if I would sleep in the bed next to him so he wouldn't be alone. I did and I started crying then because I knew he didn't have much longer to go. We talked a while, listening to the Phillies before we went to sleep. He passed away about 2 weeks later, but I felt so at peace knowing that we were okay before he did. I was drinking when I told my cousin the story and I started tearing up just telling it.
phillycard;4612610 said:
When I was telling my cousin on my other side of the family about how I reconciled with my grandfather before he passed away years ago. We had a contentious/often ugly relationship at times, when I lived under his roof. As he got sicker, I was the only one there to take care of him, as his wife, my grandmother was in a nursing home. He asked me one night after I helped him shower and get dressed if I would sleep in the bed next to him so he wouldn't be alone. I did and I started crying then because I knew he didn't have much longer to go. We talked a while, listening to the Phillies before we went to sleep. He passed away about 2 weeks later, but I felt so at peace knowing that we were okay before he did. I was drinking when I told him the story and I started tearing up just telling it.
Touching story..glad things got worked out prior to his passing
cowboy_ron;4612616 said:
Touching story..glad things got worked out prior to his passing

Thanks CR, I get emotional even thinking about it. I'm an "emotions on my sleeve" type of person, so add a few drinks to it, and I'm likely to be bawling by the time I finish that story.

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