Mark Cuban wants to help fund an playoff system to eliminate the BCS

MarionBarberThe4th;3749546 said:
One things people are under-estamting is that it defintely would hurt the regualr season a bit. But whenever I heard that argument(from Tim Cowlishaw) I thought to myself so what? Every sports playoff is better than the regular season. It would make up for it in the end.

They could have prevented this massive uproar if they just even added a plus 1 to avoid the mess of having these undefeated teams not have a shot. It makes the sport look like a total sham.

I dunno, I kind of like the baseball regular season more than the playoffs.
Dallas;3750616 said:
the BCS is here to stay.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I can remember a time before the BCS when some thought it would be that way forever.
big dog cowboy;3751517 said:
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I can remember a time before the BCS when some thought it would be that way forever.

True. I want to see a playoff system one day but I will say the BCS is better than what it was before where seldom did the #1 and #2 teams face off. Not really sure anyone could say that Auburn and Oregon do not deserve being called #1 and #2 and yet before the BCS they would not be facing off. Auburn would have gone to the sugar bowl and Oregon would have gone to the Rose.

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