He will get fat. Feast Mode!
Thats such a Beast Mode retirement
kind of an *** to announce right when the SB ended
why, it gets lost in the shuffle
CJohnson was talked about all day on ESPN. Lynch barely gets a blurb which is how he wants it. He just wants to go away and people are still dogging him for it. #cantwin.
CJohnson was talked about all day on ESPN.
I didn't watch ESPN, but I can tell you NFLN picked up the tweet and talked about it quite a bit. I think they even said it was retweeted 150k times within the first hour
Was ESPN really talking about CJohnson after the game, when the focus should be on the winners?
thats because it was so cool and understated. he doesn't have to explain it any further
There is more than enough time to dissect every bit of the game. The winners got their fair share and the losers got more than they wanted.
Stop being a such a hater