
danielofthesaints;3864305 said:
Appreciate this. They refer to the first two chem classes as Gen Chem 1 & 2 here. Then its Ochem 1&2, biochem, inorganic chem, and physical chem thereafter. Our Gen Chem 1 class weeded our class size from 800+ students to 500+ students, and I'm sure this current semester of Gen Chem 2 will do its proportional job as well. When you are talking about "roadmaps", does that have any relation to reaction mechanisms, elementary reactions, chemical equilibrium, activation energy, catalysts that I'm learning right now?

I can't speak for every organic class but I can speak for mine.

Our roadmaps were basically an entire page of boxes. Maybe 8 or so boxes. Some had structures drawn in them and some didn't.

From each box you had an arrow that pointed to the next box. 7 or so arrows I guess, whatever it would be with 8 boxes. The arrows were where you placed your catalysts or whatever was going to change the structure in "box 1" into "box 2". Some were provided, some weren't.

Basically you had to use the different reactions you learned in class to take the initial structure and work your way to the final structure. Of course, our teacher wouldn't give us the initial or final structures, he would give us one that was 2-3 reactions later or prior and you had to find the end for yourself.

Box 1 + reactant/catalyst = Box 2 + reactant/catalyst = Box 3..........etc.

Essentially, what you have is about 10 problems on one page and if you screw up early on, you might as well have missed them all.

Mechanism questions are typically another part because you need up to a half of a page at times to depict a relatively simple reaction. Some reactions take more.

I don't think we really worked with activation energy in organic. That was later on in analytical, I think.

The "elementary" reactions you are learning right now really won't come into play. You're probably just working with swapping. Knowing the beginning/end in organic isn't enough. You have to know how to get from one point to another. You could slide by on a roadmap section knowing the beginning and end because you don't have the room to show it all but you can bet the reactions you're going to be asked to provide will be on the test somewhere else in the form of a mechanism question.

Organic is rough. Not the hardest chem course I ever took but close. Hardest chem course I ever took was Biological Physical Chemistry. If you have to take Physical, looked for one that has more of a biological emphasis. I heard straight PChem was hell on earth. Everything started out good in that course and it literally went downhill from there.
danielofthesaints;3864305 said:
Appreciate this. They refer to the first two chem classes as Gen Chem 1 & 2 here. Then its Ochem 1&2, biochem, inorganic chem, and physical chem thereafter. Our Gen Chem 1 class weeded our class size from 800+ students to 500+ students, and I'm sure this current semester of Gen Chem 2 will do its proportional job as well. When you are talking about "roadmaps", does that have any relation to reaction mechanisms, elementary reactions, chemical equilibrium, activation energy, catalysts that I'm learning right now?

Doesn't have anything to do with it at all, which is like saying knowing what the letter "b" looks like won't help you win a game of Jeopardy. It's larger picture stuff. Equilibriums are of little use in organic, and really only get picked up again in Polymers, on my end since I didn't take biochem. We had O 1 and 2, Quatitative Analysis, I forget the next two, Biochem as an option, and then Polymers.

The others are important, but only as bricks to build the wall. There will be instances where the catalysts are important such as a WCl or phosgene, both of which can be workhorses when paired with other constituent elements as the catalysts. Other times it will be heat or interfacial surface area that act as the catalyst for a system.

Mechanisms are important, but there are so damn many ways to put things together, that you end up missing the forest for the trees.

Activation energies are usually givens in upper chemistries. It's too basic to worry about that when putting together a compound where the two base compounds take two weeks to formulate. More often you'll be worried about propagation rate constants, how much energy does it take for the reaction to go at its optimum efficiency without producing unwanted side effects.

Roadmaps are literally, start with a basic chemical such as 1 methyl, 4 ethyl octanol and get to something else with different constituent groups. It's just a little part of the learning curve when it comes to Hexane. You'll be hitting more types of reactions and how to put things together in Organic 2, such as Nuecleophillic Aromatic Substitutions, which they might tell you is hardly used, but becomes huge again in polymers, and in biochem in certain reactions.

A good example of a roadmap is learning what can be kicked off during a reaction when your putting together something. Water as a by-product is useless and costs money to dispose of. No bueno. Rework the reaction, and you get HClO as a by-product, well then you can package that as a industrial grade solvent. Making money on both ends of that equation, so to speak.

You're getting exposed to a lot of things that might not be seen again for two years. Lewis Acid/Bases will pop up again down the road in a big way.

NAS chemistry, cationic reactions versus mechanisms of anionic reactions, free rad chemistry, ionic versus covalent bonding, electophyllic substitution, ring alkylation, hydride abstractions, ring alkylation. <-----that's all on page 209 of my intro polymer book. Every bit of it.

There's just so much of it out there that it's like me trying to tell you what's in the encyclopedias of the world, and you're just starting to learn the alphabet. Some things your professor will tell you aren't that important, then you hit biochem and learn that some of it is incredibly important in basic plant photosynthetic pathways. Same with NAS and free radical. Some of it is not worth a damn unless you're in aerospace, then you're surrounded by 15 PhD's who spend their entire lives working on free rad living systems, which doesn't mean they're "living" in any respect to biology.

Its one of those things that you don't know how much you don't know, and you won't know what you need to know until you get to where you need to know it. Suffice it to say, there isn't anything, not one single thing, that isn't important in Organic. Even the degrees of seeming importance get skewed depending on which biology and chemistry courses you take. Learn it like you'd learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and algebra. Stuff will pop up all over the place.

I will say this, in addition to the math giving me fits at the beginning of the semester, my lost knowledge of organic was killing me the first two weeks. I bought the book for organic 1 and 2 and reread a lot of it. The new version of the organic book has chapters that the old one doesn't.

The science grows, daily.

The Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry goes to Polymer Science research more often, I believe, than any other single branch of chemistry. You could literally be put in a lab at Dow, given a few dozen books to look through, and start building new compounds with real world applications every single day. Basically what my professor does.
theogt;3864310 said:
Yay for liberal arts degrees.


They may know the atomic weight of gold, but I know really important stuff, like which character narrated "The Great Gatsby." Take that.
Hoofbite;3864315 said:
I can't speak for every organic class but I can speak for mine.

Our roadmaps were basically an entire page of boxes. Maybe 8 or so boxes. Some had structures drawn in them and some didn't.

From each box you had an arrow that pointed to the next box. 7 or so arrows I guess, whatever it would be with 8 boxes. The arrows were where you placed your catalysts or whatever was going to change the structure in "box 1" into "box 2". Some were provided, some weren't.

Basically you had to use the different reactions you learned in class to take the initial structure and work your way to the final structure. Of course, our teacher wouldn't give us the initial or final structures, he would give us one that was 2-3 reactions later or prior and you had to find the end for yourself.

Box 1 + reactant/catalyst = Box 2 + reactant/catalyst = Box 3..........etc.

Essentially, what you have is about 10 problems on one page and if you screw up early on, you might as well have missed them all.

Mechanism questions are typically another part because you need up to a half of a page at times to depict a relatively simple reaction. Some reactions take more.

I don't think we really worked with activation energy in organic. That was later on in analytical, I think.

The "elementary" reactions you are learning right now really won't come into play. You're probably just working with swapping. Knowing the beginning/end in organic isn't enough. You have to know how to get from one point to another. You could slide by on a roadmap section knowing the beginning and end because you don't have the room to show it all but you can bet the reactions you're going to be asked to provide will be on the test somewhere else in the form of a mechanism question.

Organic is rough. Not the hardest chem course I ever took but close. Hardest chem course I ever took was Biological Physical Chemistry. If you have to take Physical, looked for one that has more of a biological emphasis. I heard straight PChem was hell on earth. Everything started out good in that course and it literally went downhill from there.

Yep, had those reaction roadmaps as well. SOCl, POCl, blah, blah, blah....

Used to bug the crap out of me when we'd have catalysts that weren't possible, ie. they didn't balance out in general chemical principles as being a viable compound. Those were the fun ones where you had to figure out what was coming off as a precipitate, what the reactivity ratios were, how the by-products were going to rearrange, etc. One misstep, and three pages of chemical derivations out the window.

I gotta remember the name of the guy who invented Bakelite at DuPont I think. They have his notes on it framed in the corporate headquarters. He had a formaldehyde/phenol reaction going, and kept getting an inert precipitate. I've seen a picture of the notes, as framed, and he mentioned that he was getting disgusted with not being able to figure it out. Needless to say, he was synthesizing the world's first ever "plastic" compound. Guy ended up offing himself by breathing cyanide gas under a vent hood in his lab. Manic/depressive genius.
bbgun;3864326 said:

They may know the atomic weight of gold, but I know really important stuff, like which character narrated "The Great Gatsby." Take that.

Take you one better, "Hurrah for the Red, White, and Blue". Important why?

Started off my college career as an English major.
danielofthesaints;3864305 said:
Appreciate this. They refer to the first two chem classes as Gen Chem 1 & 2 here. Then its Ochem 1&2, biochem, inorganic chem, and physical chem thereafter. Our Gen Chem 1 class weeded our class size from 800+ students to 500+ students, and I'm sure this current semester of Gen Chem 2 will do its proportional job as well. When you are talking about "roadmaps", does that have any relation to reaction mechanisms, elementary reactions, chemical equilibrium, activation energy, catalysts that I'm learning right now?

This might help you a bit, once you get into O-2. It might help you see what the fuss is about, and how all that random stuff you're learning will be put to use.

Level 3 might be of interest as well, from the engineering standpoint.

Level Four, specifically Metallocene Catalysis Polymerization bring a lot of O-Chem principles together to show how some very interesting polymers are produced.

Metallocene CP is the process, albiet a simplified version, of how you make the material, Spectra Shield, that makes Kevlar look like a wet paper bag when it comes to making bullet proof vests. Its also a few times the price as Kevlar since the reaction center in between the ring formations is easily oxidized, ie, it has to be done in an oxygen free environment or what is commonly referred to as a "shoe box".

5 and 6 are of no real use to you.

Keep in mind that almost every compound and concept you'll be coming across in O-Chem has infinite sources on the internet.
After O-chem 1 & 2, I was able to understand the back of a shampoo bottle. My Organic instructor was big on spectroscopy so she would often require IR and NMR measurements on compounds made in lab and we would have to explain the spectrum. I hated it at first, but I came to see why spectroscopy is one of the most powerful, if not the most, experimental tools in chemistry.

I would also advise not to get bogged down on memerizing individual mechanisms when studying O-chem. Sure you will have to know these for your tests, but understand that these are just individual tools in the O-chem toolbox. Oh yeah, and stearic hindrance is not always the reason (you'll see what I mean).

Physical chemistry was my favorite chemistry course.
dbacklund;3864604 said:
After O-chem 1 & 2, I was able to understand the back of a shampoo bottle. My Organic instructor was big on spectroscopy so she would often require IR and NMR measurements on compounds made in lab and we would have to explain the spectrum. I hated it at first, but I came to see why spectroscopy is one of the most powerful, if not the most, experimental tools in chemistry.

I would also advise not to get bogged down on memerizing individual mechanisms when studying O-chem. Sure you will have to know these for your tests, but understand that these are just individual tools in the O-chem toolbox. Oh yeah, and stearic hindrance is not always the reason (you'll see what I mean).

Physical chemistry was my favorite chemistry course.

Electron repulsion charges and angular strain. Gotta love 'em.

That was my other chem class, damn, completely forgot until I looked it up online.

O 1&2
Inorganic/Gen Chem 1 and 2
Quantitative Analysis

Spec was a great class, really good. NMR and IR (now we use FTIR, Fourier Transform IR) are the biggest two workhorses and as indispensable as tape measure and saw is to basic carpentry.

Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spec is a very interesting process, but takes forever to figure out what matrix you're going to use to the the sample into the chamber.

The newest machine we had on campus was a cross-bred GPC/Laser Light Scattering Photometer. Really neat machine that gives you absolute weights of your chemical compound rather than having to infer it based on experimental results. I think Doc had a new one that was around $60K.

There were a lot of instances where FTIR and NMR failed simply because you're working with compounds of 500K to 10+ million molecular weights. At those sizes, your end group analysis is nothing more than a noise return on the plot line because you've got so much other stuff giving return signals. That's when you get to play with the big boy machines that measure electron spin returns and stuff like that.

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