Matt Birk speaks out against Gene Upshaw


Federal Agent
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I didn't see this posted anywhere. If it was, Mods, please delete this "inappropriate" thread.

Birk pins much of the blame on Upshaw for labor standoff
The Vikings center did not play last year, but he sure delivered a Pro Bowl-sized verbal pancake on the executive director of the NFL Players' Association when no CBA deal was reached on Thursday.
On The Nfl Mark Craig

Vikings center Matt Birk isn't a big fan of the players union in general and of Gene Upshaw, its executive director, in particular.
"Don't put this in the paper ... no, wait, go ahead and put it in," Birk said. "Gene Upshaw is a piece of" well, you know.

Birk spoke as the union and the NFL were about to go Tony Soprano on the goose that lays the kind of golden eggs other sports can only dream about.

Fortunately, both sides blinked. Seven hours before what would have been the beginning of the end of the NFL's salary cap, it was mutually agreed that three more days are required for someone -- anyone! -- to come to his senses and extend the collective bargaining agreement. So free agency will start on Monday, not today.

"It's a joke, it really is," Birk said. "Everyone is making money. A lot of money. You think anyone wants to hear about the money problems of the NFL owners or players? It's bad pub for the league. It's bad for all of us."

Birk was the Vikings' union rep until he couldn't stomach Upshaw's "propaganda and poor leadership" any longer. He has fought Upshaw on other fronts over the years, speaking out against the inordinate distribution of money to unproven rookies and Upshaw's refusal to fight for guaranteed contracts that players in other sports enjoy.

"Someone asked him about me when I was going through my deal last summer trying to get my contract guaranteed," Birk said. "He said he played with a lot of great centers in his time and none of them made $4 million. That's our union rep? C'mon."

Birk doesn't place all of the blame for the CBA mess at Upshaw's feet. But he does blame him for not being forthright while explaining what it would mean to the players not to have a salary cap in 2007.

"When you go to those CBA meetings, you always feel like you're being sold something instead of being given the straight facts," Birk said. "Through all the meetings leading up to this, it was always: 'The owners don't want an uncapped year. We'll get a deal, and if we don't, so what? There will be an uncapped year and there will be crazy money out there.'

"The reality is that's not the case. And you're seeing that it's not the leverage we were told it would be."

While the lack of a salary cap would encourage the richer teams to overspend on certain players, there also would be rules in place that would be unfavorable to players.

Players would become unrestricted free agents after six seasons, not four. Raises would be capped at 30 percent above the previous season. And there would be no minimum salary cap, whereas now it's 54 percent of the defined gross revenue.

"And we'll lose some of our 401(k) and annuities, and some benefits, too," Birk said. "That's a huge deal to the younger guys making the minimum who might not have 10-year careers. Those are guys the union needs to look out for.

"Instead, you go there and it's like some kind of religious revival. You don't feel you're getting the true message. And they're always talking too fast."

Birk wishes the actual players had more power and say in how the union operates.

"Too many guys in the league just accept whatever Gene says," Birk said. "I don't know why no one has called this guy out."

It's hard to believe we're discussing labor unrest when the NFL generates $5.2 billion a year and signed the largest TV deal in sports history. The league gets $3.7 BILLION in TV money this year alone.

"Gene thinks we're making all this money because of Gene Upshaw," Birk said. "No, we're making all of this money because of TV. This sport is huge, and what's going on right now is hurting all of us."


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Birk is a Harvard grad.

He needs to be leading the union after retirement. And if the players are smart, they will ask him to.


The Duke
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That was the best commentary on how stupid this is that I have read so far. Not the jabs at Upshaw, which may or may not be justified. He outlined every weakness in the uncapped year as to how it relates to the players and showed it for what it is, more restrictive on their freedoms and options.


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Hostile said:
That was the best commentary on how stupid this is that I have read so far. Not the jabs at Upshaw, which may or may not be justified. He outlined every weakness in the uncapped year as to how it relates to the players and showed it for what it is, more restrictive on their freedoms and options.
Couldn't have said it better if I wanted to Hos.

big dog cowboy

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Matt Birk made more sense in that one article than I have heard all week and I believe every word he says. Why isn't he in the negotiations? This matter could have been resolved in about 2 hours.


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big dog cowboy said:
Matt Birk made more sense in that one article than I have heard all week and I believe every word he says. Why isn't he in the negotiations? This matter could have been resolved in about 2 hours.

Agree completely! All they have done this week is make themselves and the league look the fools just as Birk suggested.

Birk's respect-o-meter just pegged out in my world.


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Vikings | Birk apologizes to Upshaw
Sat, 4 Mar 2006 19:09:02 -0800

Judd Zulgad, of the Star Tribune, reports Minnesota Vikings C Matt Birk called NFLPA executive director Gene Upshaw to apologize for earlier comments. Birk said he regretted making the less-than-complimentary remark to describe Upshaw. Birk said, "I left him a voice mail apologizing. The union and the players and the game is something I feel passionate about, and I was kind of emotionally charged. I left him my number and hope that he calls me back. It just wasn't a classy thing to do on my part, and I regret it."


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WoodysGirl said:
Vikings | Birk apologizes to Upshaw
Sat, 4 Mar 2006 19:09:02 -0800

Judd Zulgad, of the Star Tribune, reports Minnesota Vikings C Matt Birk called NFLPA executive director Gene Upshaw to apologize for earlier comments. Birk said he regretted making the less-than-complimentary remark to describe Upshaw. Birk said, "I left him a voice mail apologizing. The union and the players and the game is something I feel passionate about, and I was kind of emotionally charged. I left him my number and hope that he calls me back. It just wasn't a classy thing to do on my part, and I regret it."

I like this guy even more now...wish he were in Dallas and the union rep...

big dog cowboy

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WoodysGirl said:
Vikings | Birk apologizes to Upshaw
Sat, 4 Mar 2006 19:09:02 -0800

Judd Zulgad, of the Star Tribune, reports Minnesota Vikings C Matt Birk called NFLPA executive director Gene Upshaw to apologize for earlier comments. Birk said he regretted making the less-than-complimentary remark to describe Upshaw. Birk said, "I left him a voice mail apologizing. The union and the players and the game is something I feel passionate about, and I was kind of emotionally charged. I left him my number and hope that he calls me back. It just wasn't a classy thing to do on my part, and I regret it."
Birk isn't the one who should be apologizing.


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SupermanXx said:
I'm sure he's happy to hear that

I meant it as a compliment. Maybe pegged was the wrong word, maybe spiked would have been more appropriate. Either way, I doubt he gives a rat's behind what I think. :D


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MrPhil said:
Either way, I doubt he gives a rat's behind what I think. :D

I actually called him and told him what you said.. he was so happy that he excused himself from the phone, citing male pleasure reasons. :p:


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Minnesota Vikings center Matt Birk is not happy with the job being done by Gene Upshaw, executive director of the NFL Players' Association. Not at all.
Birk sounded off to columnist Mark Craig in Friday's edition of the Minnesota Star-Tribune.

"Don't put this in the paper ... no, wait, go ahead and put it in," Birk told Craig. "Gene Upshaw is a piece of (expletive). Too many guys in the league just accept whatever Gene says. I don't know why no one has called this guy out."

The former Pro Bowler believes the recent breakdown in negotiations between the NFL and the players' union is hurting the sport.

"It's a joke, it really is," Birk said in the paper. "Everyone is making money. A lot of money. You think anyone wants to hear about the money problems of the NFL owners or players? It's bad pub for the league. It's bad for all of us."
Birk, a Harvard graduate, says the prospects of a uncapped season — something that could happen if a deal is not struck before the end of this weekend — aren't good for everyone.

"When you go to those CBA meetings, you always feel like you're being sold something instead of being given the straight facts," Birk told the paper. "Through all the meetings leading up to this, it was always: 'The owners don't want an uncapped year. We'll get a deal, and if we don't, so what? There will be an uncapped year and there will be crazy money out there.'

"The reality is that's not the case. And you're seeing that it's not the leverage we were told it would be."

If there is no deal and the cap doesn’t increase, it would leave a glut of players on the free-agent market and many teams without much money to sign them. Next year, the final season of the contract, would be without a cap — and that would contain limitations that could hurt the players, such as raising the number of years of eligibility for free agency from four to six.

"And we'll lose some of our 401(k) and annuities, and some benefits, too," Birk said. "That's a huge deal to the younger guys making the minimum who might not have 10-year careers. Those are guys the union needs to look out for.
"Instead, you go there and it's like some kind of religious revival. You don't feel you're getting the true message. And they're always talking too fast."
On the surface, the dispute is over percentage points — the union says it wants 60-plus percent of league revenues earmarked for the players; the owners are offering 56.2 percent. That amounts to approximately $10 million per team per year.

"Gene thinks we're making all this money because of Gene Upshaw," Birk told the paper. "No, we're making all of this money because of TV. This sport is huge, and what's going on right now is hurting all of us."


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That was a few days ago. Birk apologized publicly yesterday.