McDougle has emergency surgery


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McDougle has emergency surgery

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Philadelphia Eagles defensive end Jerome McDougle had emergency surgery for a hernia on Monday, a setback to his recovery from a gunshot wound in July.
McDougle had been working out to make a return to the Eagles. He needed surgery for an internal hernia due to adhesions and scar tissue from his previous operation after the shooting.

"It's an unfortunate setback for Jerome," Eagles coach Andy Reid said in a statement. "It's a shame because he's worked extremely hard over the past several weeks to return to the practice field. After today's events, that obviously won't happen anytime soon. We wish him all the best in his recovery from this surgery."

A third-year pro and former first-round pick, McDougle was slated to start the season as a starter. But he was shot in the abdomen after being accosted by three robbers in southwest Miami on the night before training camp opened.

:cool: NOTE: Guess McNabb is very tough......the DE does not have to throw the football and he cannot keep playing through the pain. Makes you wonder just a little bit huh?


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There are all kinds of hernias. Some worse than others as far as pain. The exact locations can also have an effect on the bodys performance.