This coming from the guy who is hands-down the biggets pouting, cry baby, "taking my ball and going home" guy in the league.
Remember when he got hurt and Jeff Garcia came in? Garcia played lights out, lost like only one game the second half of the season, and took the Eagles to the playoffs almost single-handedly. All McNubb and his mammy were worried about was her little Donny not getting enough respect. She made comments to the effect that, never mind that the TEAM was doing good, she was more concerned about her little Donny losing his job. Little Donny reacted by NOT saying a word or retracting his mommy's whining.
Little Donny is never to blame for anything in Philly, according to McNubb and his mommy. Despite having what is probably the best NFC run this decade, and still couldn't get them to the SB. The one year they did go, they of course lost, according to the CURSE.
Finally, for all the bad mouthing and getting his little feelings hurt over the T.O. "drama", McNubb and Reid sure got played like a fiddle by the "problem child" they call T.O. That's how dim those two clowns are. If you allow a man-child like T.O., with all his goblins and problems and selfishness and (whatever else they say, fill in the blanK) allow T.O. to play with your minds and destroy you both, then the problem isn't T.O. It's like I tell people, if you allow a 9 year old to get under your skin or get you to react to them, the problem isn't the 9 year's YOU!!!