Meal plans


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Anyone use any of the meal plan services available. They've become extremely popular for those too busy to cook or prepare. I only tried a few local places so far..

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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Anyone use any of the meal plan services available. They've become extremely popular for those too busy to cook or prepare. I only tried a few local places so far..
My wife and I have been using Home Chef for the last couple of months because she started working full-time after years of taking care of the household. I've never been much of a cook but have been able to produce some pretty decent meals with it. Really good instructions, everything has been fresh and the portion sizes are healthy (not huge). It's got us trying some new things we probably wouldn't have otherwise. The key is to stay on top of what they are sending you each week. You can swap the meals entirely or just modify what they have, especially the proteins. I forgot this last week and got ground turkey quesadillas as one of the meals. Doesn't sound appealing to me personally.


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Hello Fresh was okay. It was a bit expensive for what you get and the meal choices weren't really my thing but I can see how it would be a popular service. The portions were tiny for a family of four. We don't eat a single thing from the recipes we got from them. I'm sure it's great for some people, it just wasn't for us.


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My wife and I have been using Home Chef for the last couple of months because she started working full-time after years of taking care of the household. I've never been much of a cook but have been able to produce some pretty decent meals with it. Really good instructions, everything has been fresh and the portion sizes are healthy (not huge). It's got us trying some new things we probably wouldn't have otherwise. The key is to stay on top of what they are sending you each week. You can swap the meals entirely or just modify what they have, especially the proteins. I forgot this last week and got ground turkey quesadillas as one of the meals. Doesn't sound appealing to me personally.

Excellent.. thanks for recommendation. That's one I haven't heard of yet. I'll look into it.. I like the idea of trying some new things. Always feels like we eat the same things over and over, so it would be good to explore something different.

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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Excellent.. thanks for recommendation. That's one I haven't heard of yet. I'll look into it.. I like the idea of trying some new things. Always feels like we eat the same things over and over, so it would be good to explore something different.
No problem man. Another thing I like about Home Chef is you can just choose to skip a week or more if you're planning to eat out or you're on vacation or something. You don't end up with a refrigerator full of food you can't cook. I imagine all of the services offer something like that, but I can't say for sure.


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Hello Fresh was okay. It was a bit expensive for what you get and the meal choices weren't really my thing but I can see how it would be a popular service. The portions were tiny for a family of four. We don't eat a single thing from the recipes we got from them. I'm sure it's great for some people, it just wasn't for us.

Thanks.. I was looking at Hello Fresh and also Hungry Root. A lot of these services will give you a deal for the first few orders, I'm just looking for a simple 5 recipes a week.. serving 2 people. 10 meals total. If I could find that at a quality price that would be great!!

Crazed Liotta Eyes

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Thanks.. I was looking at Hello Fresh and also Hungry Root. A lot of these services will give you a deal for the first few orders, I'm just looking for a simple 5 recipes a week.. serving 2 people. 10 meals total. If I could find that at a quality price that would be great!!
I know some will give you like 16 free meals when you sign up. I think we got that with Home Chef, and I believe Hello Fresh is doing it right now.


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Thanks.. I was looking at Hello Fresh and also Hungry Root. A lot of these services will give you a deal for the first few orders, I'm just looking for a simple 5 recipes a week.. serving 2 people. 10 meals total. If I could find that at a quality price that would be great!!
Their intro deals are good. But portions for 5 will be small I think you'll find. With the deals they offer, I honestly believe it's worth trying.


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My wife and I had one a few years back. I forget the name but they are no longer offering door service. I think you can buy their kits in some stores but no delivery. It was okay. There were some good recipes which we still make from time to time, but they got repetitious with their meals so we stopped it. It was expensive considering I could buy the same ingredients at the story for about 1/4 the price. I enjoyed it when we did it, but I was working them and didn't have time to get to the grocery store during the week.

One thing it is good for it coming up with the meal for the day. We are always trying to figure out what we want for dinner every day and the mean plans made that a bit easier.


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Tried Factor because it was the highest rated and found the food, regardless of what it was, tasted all alike but I have had some taste issues so it may not be that bad.

However, one negative at least for me, was at some point one of the execs of that company inherited a cauliflower farm and thought 'what do I do with this'?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Anyone use any of the meal plan services available. They've become extremely popular for those too busy to cook or prepare. I only tried a few local places so far..
I’ve tried several of them - Hello Fresh, Home Chef, and Green Chef. All have their pros and cons and like @Crazed Liotta Eyes mentioned, you have to keep up with your subscription every week or they will send you things you don’t want.

A big plus is getting new ideas and trying things you’ve never had before. If you’re ‘food adventurous’ that’s a huge appeal. And you get the recipe included with the meal to save and make yourself later.

Sone, like Home Chef, offer high-end meals with steak and seafood for an increased cost as well. And a lot of them are getting into premade meals you just pop in the oven.

I’d give them a try, but stay on top of the weekly offerings.


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I would suggest searching for grass fed and finished meat(no grains) in texas or wherever you are, and finding someone who raises and butchers their own meat. I just ordered around 25 lbs of beef and chicken from brisket and different types of steaks to a couple of whole chickens, and it averaged out to around 6.02 a pound.

It is spring organic produce is not hard to find

make time to prepare
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big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Anyone use any of the meal plan services available. They've become extremely popular for those too busy to cook or prepare. I only tried a few local places so far..


Village Idiot
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Tired Hello Fresh a while back. There was always something missing or rotten. Defeated the whole point.