Media Meltdown NFL AM


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The female host of NFL AM this morning called our team the Cow girls to great laughter and cheering from the clowns on the set and her co-hosts. She pretended it was on the cue card but they showed that it wasn't. The clowns then proceeded to pick the Giants to win by a 3-1 majority. Only Terrell Davis was a voice of reason saying the Cowboys were just too strong up front to lose. Eric Allen had the worst logic saying the Giants have been playing good ball and have their offense rolling despite the 27-0 loss last week. Huh? The other clown said Giants will win because Romo throws a lot of picks against the Giants.

Can you imagine the uproar if any other team was derisively called a name that insults the female gender? And how can the official network of the NFL feature such vapid hosts to discuss football?



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I'm glad people are starting to figure out why we're so hated.

In past years, many Cowboys fans thought it because we weren't a good enough team to get respect. But now that we're 5-1 and STILL getting derided regularly? That points to another reason entirely.

Jealousy. Simple as that. We're America's Team and these buffoons have spent their entire football-watching lives envious of our lofty perch. So insulting the mighty Cowboys and their 5 rings is the only defense mechanism left. Unfortunately for them, no matter what happens this year, we're still the Cowboys. Still America's Team. Still the team that draft prospects want to play for. Still the team that brings in the most money and grabs the highest ratings. And still the team that will always be FAR more relevant than whatever crap teams the haters root for.

We still win, they still lose. Man, I love being a Cowboys fan.