Merry Christmas To All


The Duke
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On behalf of the staff here at The Zone, allow me to say how grateful we are to all of you out there who make this place great. We enjoy your humor. We enjoy your knowledge. Most of all we enjoy your company.

This Holiday season is a time of reflection for many of us. I want to thank all of those who serve, and have served this country. It isn't popular to say anymore, but from me, God bless you all. You are why this country is great.

In every language that I can say it, to all of you.

Merry Christmas

Feliz Navidad (Spanish)

Feliz Natal (Portuguese)

Buone Feste Natalizie (Italian)

Joyeux Noel (French)

Natale Hilare et Annum Faustum (Latin, with Happy new Year added)

Happy times for all...;)

Something special going on around here...

:starspin if you want it too.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night...
As Gary Busey once said, "Merry Freaking Christmas"!

Christmas always reminds me of Lethal Weapon. Happy Holidays, folks. :)
Feliz Navidad from deeeeeep South texas...... I hope all of you have a very merry and safe holiday.

Feliz Ano Nuevo!!! Thank too all of you for mading 2007 great for me.
Merry Christmas, all. Happy Kwanzaa to CBZ.

bbgun;1856093 said:
Merry Christmas, all. Happy Kwanzaa to CBZ.


Back at ya....bbgun..:D
Hostile;1856065 said:
On behalf of the staff here at The Zone, allow me to say how grateful we are to all of you out there who make this place great. We enjoy your humor. We enjoy your knowledge. Most of all we enjoy your company.

This Holiday season is a time of reflection for many of us. I want to thank all of those who serve, and have served this country. It isn't popular to say anymore, but from me, God bless you all. You are why this country is great.

In every language that I can say it, to all of you.

Merry Christmas

Feliz Navidad (Spanish)

Feliz Natal (Portuguese)

Buone Feste Natalizie (Italian)

Joyeux Noel (French)

Natale Hilare et Annum Faustum (Latin, with Happy new Year added)


Right back at you Hostile, have a great Christmas with your family.

It is going to be a fun January, Beast is thinking NFC Championship!!!
Merry Christmas to all of you here as well.

Allow me to share my three favorite things about Chritmas:





It's a beautiful thing!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember, the Baby grew up!
With apologies to Robert Earl Keen........."Merry Christmas From The Family"

Mom got drunk and Dad got drunk at our Christmas party
We were drinking champagne punch and homemade eggnog
Little sister brought her new boyfriend
He was a Mexican
We didn't know what to think of him until he sang
Felis Navidad, Felis Navidad

Brother Ken brought his kids with him
The three from his first wife Lynn
And the two identical twins from his second wife Mary Nell
Of course he brought his new wife Kay
Who talks all about AA
Chain smoking while the stereo plays Noel, Noel
The First Noel

Carve the Turkey
Turn the ball game on
Mix margaritas when the eggnog's gone
Send somebody to the Quickpak Store
We need some ice and an extension chord
A can of bean dip and some Diet Rites
A box of tampons, Marlboro Lights
Haleluja everybody say Cheese
Merry Christmas from the family

Fred and Rita drove from Harlingen
I can't remember how I'm kin to them
But when they tried to plug their motor home in
They blew our Christmas lights
Cousin David knew just what went wrong
So we all waited out on our front lawn
He threw a breaker and the lights came on
And we sang Silent Night, Oh Silent Night, Oh Holy Night

Carve the turkey turn the ball game on
Make Bloody Mary's
Cause We All Want One!
Send somebody to the Stop 'N Go
We need some celery and a can of fake snow
A bag of lemons and some Diet Sprites
A box of tampons, some Salem Lights
Haleluja, everybody say cheese
Merry Christmas from the Family
Merry Christmas to all.

and to all...

have a safe and Happy New Year.

lastly, Go Cowboys, playoff bound once again!!!
A very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!

God bless our troops at home and away, and a big thanks to all of those who make this board the best on the web for all Cowboys' fans young and old.
merry christmas.

So if you follow some of the links from brainpaints post of the slade song.

You will happen to find The carpenters merry christmas Darling. My mom wore out those carpenters christmas albums.

That woman had the greatest voice ever, there christmas stuff is second to none.

or maybe I just have seen tommy boy to many times!

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