Metal Gear Solid 5...


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I can't post the trailer here.. but youtube the 9 minute extended trailer.. Just wow.

Going to be the most amazing game to date.

Haven't been this excited for a game in quite some time. Any other huge MGS fans around here?

The Monologue from miller at the beginning is just so awesome.


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I used to be a huge MGS fan but 4 just killed my interest in the series it was down right horrible on so many levels i don't know where to start.


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Interesting. 4 was and still is about the best game I've ever played. First game I've ever played that felt more like an interactive movie. It was an awesome experience. Only thing I've ever disliked about the series is the over the top boss characters, but I've always found the philosophy behind them interesting.


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Bosses ripped right out of MGS with no connection, just pure coincidence, even fighting the sniper wolf clone at exactly the same spot. Hours upon hours of redundant cut scenes, the story spent more time explaining it self over and over again then progressing. Bringing dead characters back to life for no reason other the nostalgia and being forced to endure Otacon crying at Naomi's death for what felt like 30 minutes is just some of the reasons why i can't stand MGS4.

Had the trailer for 5 come before i played that mess of a game i would probably watch it daily until the game came out


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Bosses ripped right out of MGS with no connection, just pure coincidence, even fighting the sniper wolf clone at exactly the same spot. Hours upon hours of redundant cut scenes, the story spent more time explaining it self over and over again then progressing. Bringing dead characters back to life for no reason other the nostalgia and being forced to endure Otacon crying at Naomi's death for what felt like 30 minutes is just some of the reasons why i can't stand MGS4.

Had the trailer for 5 come before i played that mess of a game i would probably watch it daily until the game came out

haha to be Fair Otacon crying is the same crying from MGS 1 (Sniper wolf) and MGS2 (E.E.). He gets a good cry in every game, and yes it's laughably over the top in every one of them. The voice actor for Otacon hams his crying up so bad lol.
The games has always been completely over the top dramatically.

As for the bosses thing, not sure what you mean by coincidence, they are supposed to be a copy of the Liquid led Foxhound from MGS1, storyline wise. It's not coincidence, they were selected for that purpose by Liquid Ocelot/Patriots.

As for the Cut scenes? Wow that was like the biggest positive about the game for me. Again MGS4 felt like an interactive movie to me, not everyones cup of tea to be sure, as it's one of the most frequent complaints I hear about 4, but to each their own, I ENJOY the 30 minute cut scenes =p

Unless I'm forgetting someone, Only BB was brought back to life, and while yeah I would rather him have stayed dead (specially since he died immediately anyhow), it's not at all weird or unusual given the other things that have happened in the storyline (The Sorrow, Liquid Ocelot from MGS2 as some examples).

Don't take this as me trying to argue your opinions as incorrect, I'm not trying to do that. I can DEFINITELY see how people could dislike MGS, specially storyline wise, but I do find it unusual that you apparently like the first 3 and dislike the 4th when it was only more of the same, but with far improved gameplay (one of my favorite aspects).

Games get pretty deep philosophically, which is something I consider a strong point, even if they drama and acting is over the top. I can't think of any other series that has a storyline anywhere near as deep as MGS. I'd imagine anyone who played a sequel without playing the previous titles would have absolutely no idea what was happening lol.

Did you at least like MGS4's game play (In between Cut scenes at least lol)? I thought it was one of the neatest games I've ever played gameplay wise, so many options to choose, and it felt very realistic and blended flawlessly with the cinematics.

Either way though, I'd say MGS5 trailer is worth watching even if you don't have interest in the game, it's definitely one of those trailers that sticks out, and the game is definitely going to be touching on some darker subjects.


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The gameplay didn't really progress that much from the earlier games, 2 would also have been on my crap list but because it played like a dream at the time and played through it probably 7 or 8 times so i can't really say anything bad about it even though the story was a mess as well.

It's been like 5 years so i might not remember this correctly but didn't Raiden die like twice in the most melodramatic death cut scenes imaginable only to be brought back to life 2 chapters later the first time and not even 10 minutes later the 2nd time?
Stuff like this really loses it's impact when you do it all the time. But yeah, BB was absolutely the worst it was completely pointless and it undermines the ending to the original Metal Gear. Kojima did it right with Gray Fox in MGS he was barely human in his return

I also think the story could have been told in a 3rd of the time and would have been better for if it didn't feel the need to explain it self all the time there are to many redundant cut and/or down right pointless cut scenes the drag on forever for no good reason at all. This stuff was for the most part good in 1,3 and even parts of 2 but 4 took it to whole new levels frying an egg tutorial being amongst the worst but certainly not the only example.

I could rant for hours about why i don't like 4 so i won't, thankfully 5 is a BB game so Kojima doesn't have to figure out a way to write him self out of all the corners he's written him self into this time


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Honestly, I'm a bit scared for MGS5. I've played every mgs to date and it is my favorite series of all time. Open world is something that might be amazing for the series, or it can really ruin it. Also the Keith Sunderland thing is really annoying to me, i was a big fan of David Hayters voice, but I'm sure ill get use to it.


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And MGS1 was the best game in the series IMO, with MGS3 right after.

Storyline wise I can agree completely.

The gameplay for MGS1 though is super dated, hard to play. I do own a copy of the remake Twin Snakes (For Gamecube) which is a bit better =p.
And I don't miss the constant camo swapping in MGS3, but that storyline was fantastic. On Extreme that game was SO hard.

Aiming with the left thumbstick instead of the right feels so primitive now, I don't miss those older control schemes at all.


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The only MGS I've played is the first, and I was completely hooked.