Micah Parsons trolls Zach Wilson

So because someone is critical of Parson's twitter behavior they don't like Parsons? People are very misguided in their assumptions.
What did the situation at Penn St. have to do with his twitter activity...absolutely nothing, but you brought it up as a reason he shouldn't laugh at a meme. You typed that, I didn't assume it.
Pessimists are not pleasant people to be around. A pessimist is somebody who refuses to see the positives of situations. They will always think bad thoughts and believe that bad things are more likely to happen to them.
As a former card carrying pessimist, I used to tell people "either I am right or I am pleasantly surprised, I win either way".

I was ignorant to the power of optimism and positive thinking with regards to situations out of our control. It has nothing to do with the destination; it is all about the journey.
He is kicking him when he is down and while Dak has received criticism for his play, Parsons criticized Wilson for possibly being replaced and losing his job. If memory serves the Dakfanatics went crazy when some on here suggested Rush replace Dak....but I guess criticism of anyone but Dak is allowed to some.
Which goes back to what I said….why the hell do you care about Wilson who comes across as a scumbag who his teammates don’t like?
What did the situation at Penn St. have to do with his twitter activity...absolutely nothing, but you brought it up as a reason he shouldn't laugh at a meme. You typed that, I didn't assume it.
That was a weird point of his. Last I saw we don’t even really know what happened at Penn st. Very weird.
Dak has been on a 7 year honeymoon from the media compared to the hostility they put out towards Kirk Cousins……it’s not even close

the media was FORCED to admit Daks shortcomings after leading the league in INTDs despite playing 5 less games.
So now cowboy fans are going to go the media route and just ignore all the balls that went thru these guys hands and they tip it to dbs? Dak made some awful throws last yr. But not everything is his fault.
In the first 2 seasons Micah Parsons made a tremendous impact on the field with his relentless and game-changing play. These days, Parsons seems to be more focused on making a social media impact. The latest Twitter controversy has Parsons taking a shot at Jets QB Zach Wilson. With talk of Aaron Rodgers being traded to the Jets, and with his benching last season, recent 1st round draft pick QB Zach Wilson may have seen his last days in New York.

Earlier this off-season Parsons seemed to have taken a shot at Dak after the heartbreaking playoff loss to SF. Now Parsons feels the need to seemingly target another team's QB in Zach Wilson.

The question is: why? Why does Parsons feel the need to trash Zach Wilson, a QB on another team that clearly is at a low point in his early NFL career?

I'm sorry but many, including myself, saw Parsons as the game-changer for this franchise with his aggressive and relentless play while focusing on winning. While Parsons may still be a defensive force, his social media drama queen starting BS tweets has this guy losing the respect of many fans.

Im growing tired of his classless trolling

Its not end of world stuff, but come on man,you are better than this
What did the situation at Penn St. have to do with his twitter activity...absolutely nothing, but you brought it up as a reason he shouldn't laugh at a meme. You typed that, I didn't assume it.
Absolutely as only 2 years removed from such a vile act you would think Parsons would have learned just t shut his trap and fly straight.
Which goes back to what I said….why the hell do you care about Wilson who comes across as a scumbag who his teammates don’t like?
It's the principal of it. Regardless whether it was Wilson or any other player that has in essence lost their job....what's the point in belittling someone in that position?
Micah, just learn to accept it man. We have. Its what we do. Winning hasn't been the true goal. Just being decent enuff to raise Profit margins IS the goal and remains such. Winning anything like a SB will be secondary. When will the fans truly understand them Jones boys?
He’s young, and no one is reining him in. Fact, no matter how great he is, if he keeps running his mouth about things, teams, and people outside of his own team, it will not end well for him.
The public has already turned on him
It's the principal of it. Regardless whether it was Wilson or any other player that has in essence lost their job....what's the point in belittling someone in that position?
Now you’re the moral police….I hope you keep this same morality when it comes to Dak.
I’m to the point as to why he comments on anything. He need to shut up lol if you ain’t got anything good to say then don’t say it at all. Now he takes a shot at front office over ramsey deal..
Absolutely as only 2 years removed from such a vile act you would think Parsons would have learned just t shut his trap and fly straight.
An unsubstantiated vial act corroborated by no other player in the locker room, correct? Accusations made by a player upset for not receiving any playing time and considering a transfer? Most likely - according to comments voiced by teammates.

You do know a District Judge dismissed the case against PSU noting that Humphries had amended his case on multiple occasions. The judge was quite annoyed at the number of times PSU and James Franklin had to defend Humphries’ claims. You know, that judge even stated, “For whatever his (Humphries) complaint possessed in attention-grabbing details, it lacked in substance.” You didn’t have to read to many comments from Judge Brann to know that he thought Isaiah Humphries was full of crap.

I’m not saying Humphries wasn’t subjected to some type of hazing, but then again you don’t even have to play sports at a college to be subjected to questionable acts. As for myself, I was once body-slammed, teabagged (forehead, not mouth) and wore a diaper to collect my urine for a morally questionable night of drinking and other events. Guess I should have blamed James Franklin and PSU for not protecting me.
Yeah that scum lol…..hope she looked good lol.
It was a huge downgrade. Maybe an older mom crush growing up that he wanted to fulfill a dream? I dunno...



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