Micah vs agents

I acknowledge that there was a point to posting the definition. The only reason I responded in the first place was because you made the comment about his education to try to make your point. And then you doubled down by saying “all his analogy was worth was the first 4 letters”.
If I attack someone, it's me and him....you come to his defense like might mouse...most here know my humor and I take is as good as I give it. And yes he tipped his hand at first, Jerry dropped the ball, so now Parsons is gonna make him pay...

lol! Gotta have thick skin and a sense of humor around here. Now, go be a hero and defend someone else....first four letters! Lol
If I attack someone, it's me and him....you come to his defense like might mouse...most here know my humor and I take is as good as I give it. And yes he tipped his hand at first, Jerry dropped the ball, so now Parsons is gonna make him pay...

lol! Gotta have thick skin and a sense of humor around here. Now, go be a hero and defend someone else....first four letters! Lol
Fair enough…and if I see someone attacked personally when their comment is reasonable, I may respond. If that’s being a hero, so be it.

I appreciate your acknowledging that he might have tipped his hand. IMO, you should have stopped there. Jerry dropping the ball and Micah making him pay had nothing to do with his analogy.

You can have the last word and then let’s drop it. I hope you have a good Saturday.
I'm telling you once this guy inks this contract. He's going to become a totally different character, and it's gonna stink.
Will be paying somebody to take him off our hands in 2 years, mark my words.
Fair enough…and if I see someone attacked personally when their comment is reasonable, I may respond. If that’s being a hero, so be it.

I appreciate your acknowledging that he might have tipped his hand. IMO, you should have stopped there. Jerry dropping the ball and Micah making him pay had nothing to do with his analogy.

You can have the last word and then let’s drop it. I hope you have a good Saturday.
I'm telling you once this guy inks this contract. He's going to become a totally different character, and it's gonna stink.
Will be paying somebody to take him off our hands in 2 years, mark my words.
I'd rather think and hope that he becomes an MVP.... I'd be wasting my time hoping that my team wins and hoping that it's best player, flops. That's just me.
Looking at last few Tweets. This is less about money than it is Tweeting in general.

My opinion only based off context clues, is Dallas has asked him to dial back tweeting, and he and His agent are pushing back against that.
I think he means the opposite. I think he is saying David has been showing he has the best interest of the players at heart. If he would have put a comma after wake up, it would read completely differently. To me, that is by far the most logical reading. Even Parsons wouldn’t throw his agent under the bus like that publicly during a negotiation.

IMO, this suggests that a discount is dead.
I think you're right. Good catch.
pretty sure I do.

This board is dominated by retired dudes who have little to none awareness of the world beyond the reach of their golf cart.
IM not sure if you have only been coming here for 5 years as per your info, but I think many of the older guys on this board were working class guys. Ive no clue how old you are, but those older retired guys lived through stuff this younger generation hasnt a clue about.

In any event, calling someone a boomer and out of touch is pretty funny to me personally. Thinking all people from whatever generation had it easy and are out of touch is a little, "Out of touch."
I'd rather think and hope that he becomes an MVP.... I'd be wasting my time hoping that my team wins and hoping that it's best player, flops. That's just me.
I care about the team, not the player, but that's just me.
If Jerry was your employer and asked you to take a pay cut because the Cowboys needed you to do so, would you?

We hold these people to standards that none of us would ever come close to meeting.

Some people are asked to take either a pay cut or not get a pay rise to keep your job or lose your job in real life especially in this climate.
I care about the team, not the player, but that's just me.
Lol! Players are the team....logos don't run and tackle. If our players fail, the team will fail.....but, what do I know? Maybe it's different in Madden. I'll have to play that one day. All I need are two thumbs, to hell with the players. Sounds kinda cool....nah! That's not me.
Micah doesn't need to take a paycut...at least not at this stage of his career. Bubble players have taken payouts for a very long time, regardless of the climate

Agree, no disagreement there, I know personally with a family of 4, I had no problems taking less better than trying to make it on unemployment.
Wonder what that salespitch from the Jones is like..
"Hey Micah i know we are the highest valued sports franchise on earth and if you play here we WILL NOT build a team that can win..AND YOU will be public enemy #1 because we have screwed the fan base for 30 years....now how bout cutting us a nice break on your salary you earned on the field!"

I mean thats a damn good pitch!

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