Mike Fisher- Gregory has filed for reinstatement


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Would be nice to have him, but much more excited about Quinn until marijuana rules are changed in the league

Agree with that, Quinn is clearly a professional, RG is a child with a serious drug problem. I hope he prevails but meanwhile we need a reliable pass rusher opposite DLaw


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This isn't true at all.

I'm so lost on how many times hes been suspended I could very well be wrong. I just wouldnt be suprised if he doesnt even get reinstated. I just dont see the NFL changing their stance on marijuana anytime soon.


The Labeled One
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I think I’m officially done. They drafted two DEs that were both seen as good values with the potential to be good players. Roster spots for guys like that are too precious to waste on an unreliable player like Gregory who has had more than enough chances to get right and has blown every one of them. Just move on with guys that want to play football and will actually be allowed to suit up by the league.

:hammer:......I think I'm done too. Some will say he still has good potential. I think we have seen what Gregory is. I thought his ceiling would be higher. But IMO...he just never reached what you saw in college. I'm talking about talent level now. He seems like he's always playing @ 3/4 speed. He just leaves you thinking there should be more to his game. Then throw in all of the off field stuff...then I think it's a no brainer it's time to move on.


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If we’re going to show Gregory clips..

I’d like to see more hits like the one Randy put on Jameis Winston that resulted in a fumble and subsequently Jaylon Smith’s recovery for a TD.

I’d post it, but honestly don’t know how to.

That play was amazing and had me jumping up and down cheering for both Randy and Jaylon. If Gregory can return and lay big hits like that.. I’m all for it.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Would be huge for our pass rush

Good luck Randy.
I don't know your soul, but I'd like to hope you're genuine and just need these chances to give you the hope and strength to keep moving forward with your illness.
As someone with a terminal illness, I get it. You always need hope and support, not rejection and scorn.

So, from the bottom of my heart: Good Luck.