Image: Mike McCarthy weight loss

Lead by example. Takes a lot of focus and will power to make those kind of changes. Inspirational to the team.

If he can do it, we can too!
Do we want to be like Calif. and Colorado or Tezxas and Mississippi?
Went on Jerry's Jonnie Walker diet.
While I can;t believe we have so many evil jack axes here making fun of people's weight......Walker diet is NOT actually a weight loss program. It may look less.....but...yer still fat.
Mike McCarthy definitely looks much slimmer.


Good for him and his health!

He can finally see his toes when he looks down.
I can see my toes now and other objects
Most men lose weight in their legs/butt/lower body first. The fact that he's started losing noticeable fat in his upper body and face means he's lost a significant amount of weight.

Everyones different...if I gain or lose I always notice it in my face 1st.
Yeah that's not good at all.

The writing's on the wall. This is his last year in Dallas.
Great. It will help with the interviews for HC next off season.
How one loses weight has a lot to do with how they gain weight. Some, like me, carry it all over, rather than gaining in specific areas. I also lose it that way.

I will say, the face is never the first place to lose or least not that I've ever seen.

I once completed the P90X 90 day routine. I went from 215 all the way down to 180 or so. I swear the majority of the weight came off my chest and shoulders. My face too. Of course I still needed to lose in my core, but the weight I lost in my face made me look sickly.

I wish you could target fat loss, but I sure as hell can't. On the positive I could (then) bust out 50 pull ups at a time. Overall, the weight loss made me weak. I was happy to put it back on.

To hell with P90X BTW. That sucked.
It's hard for some to lose weight when getting older. I have a feeling this wasn't Coach McCarthy's doing as much as it was his primary physician'.
It's hard for some to lose weight when getting older. I have a feeling this wasn't Coach McCarthy's doing as much as it was his primary physician'.
If he doesn’t take charge now, he’s most likely headed to real problems later. He was in the morbidly obese grouping and he is in a high stress category line of work.

I would be surprised if he wasn’t getting as much pressure and encouragement from his wife and kids as his physician.
Body shaming towards men and baldness of men are the only places you are allowed to make fun of these days when it comes to how someone looks.

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