LaTunaNostra said:
LOL And now I'm hearing Peter Gabriel's "San Jacinto".
When I saw that photo a while back I saved it too..what amazes me is this kid would put wings on so dejected a figure, and what surprises me more is he'd then name it "saviour".
I sense a true artistic spirit.
Either that or he just likes to fool around.
While I wish I could say that the actual piece was inspired by greek mythology, I sadly can't say that it was. Someone pitched me the idea of displaying a flying Michael Vick. It was against the Rams where you see that famous flipping player near the endzone. I didn't like the image so I cycled through all the images I had and found this one. It's always been a favorite of mine.
"tension, litheness, a pensive cat about to spring, eternal weariness and the curse of youth."
That's exactly what you find in this picture.
Just looking at the image, you wonder, why is he so dejected and hurt? What is causing the frustration?
That's where the city ties into the image. There are hopes and expectations from every single falcon fan in that city, and when Vick was drafted, those expectations flew through the roof.
Wings in general to me represent hope and faith. It means you believe in something so much you have a passion for it. Connect that with Vick and you have a picture so subtle but so full of emotion.
Now you have the image with the city behind Vick. There's the pressure of being who he is. Then feathers flying away from him. That's the result of the tension and frustration that I've been speaking of. It's best put by the "curse of youth".
The Faded Falcon represents the beast that lives with in. His fire for the game.
Then the faded image of Vick, the only part you can really see at first glance are his eyes. The eyes are the gateway to the soul and they can tell a story in themselves. Being such a neautral picture of him, you can mold the idea you are trying to represent. With the feel of the rest of the image, I felt like you are looking into his eyes and seeing all of those emtions.
Now why he's a savior.
A savior is someone who rescues another from danger or harm. Every other piece I see about a savior is bright and beautiful and only shows one side to what being a savior is. I felt like showing the real life behind being that sort of figure and not just show another typical facade.
I feel I executed my idea perfectly. It's by far the most simple image that I've ever done but that's what makes it special. The story isn't laid out there and told to you. You actually sit there and wonder what my thoughts were behind it. It makes you think.
LTN, you're the first to read into it as much as you did, and I appreciate that so much. You made some beautiful comments about it that I printed it out and tacked it up on my bulletin board where all of my ideas go. It's gonna be inspiration for awhile.