Mike Zimmer gets engaged

Explains a lot why our defense sucked......Defensive coordinator chasing puss/head it the clouds.....Go figure. Could this franchise be more dysfunctional??? I don't think so....


It's beyond time for a complete house cleaning starting @ the top.....:popcorn:
Thank goodness for the blue pills
This guy went to the dentist complaining about having a toothache and ask's the dentist if there was something that could be done about the pain. The dentist said, Well I can give you a shot to help numb the pain. The guy said, oh no, I have a fear of needles, is there something else you can do? The dentist replied, well yeah, I can give you some nitrous oxide. The man thinks for a second and said, no, I don't think I can handle any gas, it will make me nauseas and I don't want to get sick. The dentist looked at him with some frustration and said, well, all I have left is some little blue pills. The man confusingly asks, how are little blue pills going to help me? Doc goes, well, it will give you something to hold on to when I yank that tooth out!
This guy went to the dentist complaining about having a toothache and ask's the dentist if there was something that could be done about the pain. The dentist said, Well I can give you a shot to help numb the pain. The guy said, oh no, I have a fear of needles, is there something else you can do? The dentist replied, well yeah, I can give you some nitrous oxide. The man thinks for a second and said, no, I don't think I can handle any gas, it will make me nauseas and I don't want to get sick. The dentist looked at him with some frustration and said, well, all I have left is some little blue pills. The man confusingly asks, how are little blue pills going to help me? Doc goes, well, it will give you something to hold on to when I yank that tooth out!
This guy went to the dentist complaining about having a toothache and ask's the dentist if there was something that could be done about the pain. The dentist said, Well I can give you a shot to help numb the pain. The guy said, oh no, I have a fear of needles, is there something else you can do? The dentist replied, well yeah, I can give you some nitrous oxide. The man thinks for a second and said, no, I don't think I can handle any gas, it will make me nauseas and I don't want to get sick. The dentist looked at him with some frustration and said, well, all I have left is some little blue pills. The man confusingly asks, how are little blue pills going to help me? Doc goes, well, it will give you something to hold on to when I yank that tooth out!
There could be a mess if he yanks too many teeth!
Hey good for him but that looks like no country for Old Men he better strap on his crash helmet and get buckled in.
hope Jerry gives him a job next year cuz he's going to need to maintain that in more ways than one.
Yep that's going to come with a cost high maintenance right there get it while you can Zim
She must be in to guys who knows which gap to penetrate and know how to take care of the tight ends. :muttley:
What's with all these old pervs - Dak, Belichek, Zimmer - creeping on younger gals lately?
What's with all these old pervs - Dak, Belichek, Zimmer - creeping on younger gals lately?
Dak isn't a perv. His fiance is the same age as he is. Zimmer's fiance is a bit younger (26 years younger) she could be his daughter (technically); BUT Bellichek is the perv. His girlfriend is 48 years younger than he is. He could be her grandpa!! That's just gross!!

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