Military Dog Reportedly Assisted in bin Laden Raid

Nobody had a better dog than my Mom's Akita. Loved the family, smart and super protective.

Yeagermeister;3943903 said:
Cool dogs

Thank you sir.....2 of them are rescues. The other is a spoiled brat. :D

Unfortunately, we had to put the big guy down a few months ago. He was 41 inches tall at his shoulders and 197lbs. He herniated a disc in his back and lost the use of his hind legs. He was 1 month from turning 3. :(
When I went through BUDs there was a guy from EOD that classed up with us. Right across the street in NAB Coronado they worked with dolphins and seals. They fitted them with rigs etc to hunt out divers and mines etc. Pretty cool stuff.
Muhast;3943872 said:
I got attacked by a German Shepard last year, those dog's are no joke. I got pretty lucky that I was able to scare it off.

I went over to my bosses house to feed his dogs while he was out of town. I had met the dogs and been around them several times, but never without him.

As soon as I opened the door, the dog ran up to the door and started wagging it's tail nervously. I thought it was strange but stepped inside anyways, the second I did that the dog latched onto my leg and then let go. I backed out of the doorway and the dog came after me again and cornered me between the house and itself. I didn't have many options at this point. The dog lunged at me again and I jumped and pushed off its head and managed to land on the opposite side of it. The dog barred it's teeth and looked like it was ready to attack again and I yelled and pointed to the door, and for whatever reason it listened and ran inside.

I had some nasty teeth mark wounds on my leg, but all in all it could have been so much worse. I think the dog was nervous and when i stepped in decided to protect it's home. Pretty scary. I don't really blame the dog, I've been over quite a few times but he usually puts the dogs away when people come over so the dog was never around me more then 5 minutes at a time. I'm sure I startled it.

GSD's can be skittish and can be fear biters. They are naturally protective and add that nervousness and you can have a very unpredictable dog. They need to be socialized to people and other animals from a young age. If the owner always put him away when people came over he never learned how to react to them.

Mine scare the crap out of people who come over and don't know them but they are very friendly. I watched the census guy high step it back to his truck when I let the dogs out on him.

Our six pound cat rules the house. She'll chase Ranger off his bed and take it for herself. It's pretty funny to watch them "play". 90lb dog gettting chased around by a six pound cat.

Vtwin;3943919 said:
GSD's can be skittish and can be fear biters. They are naturally protective and add that nervousness and you can have a very unpredictable dog. They need to be socialized to people and other animals from a young age. If the owner always put him away when people came over he never learned how to react to them.

Mine scare the crap out of people who come over and don't know them but they are very friendly. I watched the census guy high step it back to his truck when I let the dogs out on him.

Our six pound cat rules the house. She'll chase Ranger off his bed and take it for herself. It's pretty funny to watch them "play". 90lb dog gettting chased around by a six pound cat.


Nice looking mutts.

Gotta love dogs.

Got two of my own. A Shar-pei and APBT.
kapolani;3943921 said:
Nice looking mutts.

Gotta love dogs.

Got two of my own. A Shar-pei and APBT.

My neighbor has a Shar-pei. Beautiful dog.
Vtwin;3943940 said:
My neighbor has a Shar-pei. Beautiful dog.

Shar-pei are very cool dogs, but you have to socialize them at a young age. If you don't, don't bring unknown children around them.

If they aren't socialized at a young age, you might as well become a hermit as they can become very territorial and extremely aggressive when that territory is breached. They are extremely loyal too and that falls into the same category when strangers come around.

The other bonus is; if you need a new leather jacket, they can loan you some to make one! :laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;3943686 said:
Man's best friend indeed. The battle between dog people and cat people...the military does not take cat's into combat with them...Dogs Rule...cats drool.:laugh2:

Doomsday101;3943677 said:
Accompanying the Navy Seals who completed the bin Laden mission was a faithful four-legged fighter. The trained military dog, either a German Shepherd or a Belgian Malinois, was attached to a human Seal and lowered from a helicopter into the compound. Wearing canine armor, he went along to sniff out hidden explosives or, if necessary, find a secret room of bin Laden's.

Canines often play a significant role in military operations as they can crawl into small spaces, find enemy soldiers and report back unnoticed with TV footage from a camera attached to their heads. Their primary functions "are finding explosives and conducting searches and patrols," Maj. Wes Ticer, a spokesman for the United States Special Operations Command, told the New York Times, but Ticer said that many times dogs save "the lives of the Special Operations Forces with whom they operate."

Wow! Knowing how much arabs "love" dogs,I bet they wizz in their britches when one of these pups is on patrol.
NOTHING like a German Shepherd. Loyal, smartest of the smart and mean if called upon.

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