Mitchell Report Being Released Today

joseephuss;1831364 said:
I thought I heard Juan was on the list, but don't see it in that post. I am surprised Jeff Bagwell is not on it.

I am a little surprised the list is not longer, but then considering the circumstances of the investigation it makes some sense. Mitchell was very limited in what he could do and probably on what he was asked or tried to do. I have no doubts that there were way more players on roids.

I was not surprised Lenny Dykstra was on the list. Where was Brady Anderson?

There are only two sources to my knowledge, in this report. The Mets clubhouse guy and the Yanks strength coach(i think Mitchell did mention other strength coaches?) so this is far and i mean FAR from a complete list. There probably are dozens of "dealers" out there with dozens and maybe hundreds of past and present players buying from or have bought from them in the past. As the Sen. said, we could keep digging forever and keep coming up with names, but that was 100% NOT the reason for the report. People think this is about catching guys, but it is supposed to be about clearing the air and coming up with a new way of doing things.
The only thing that's shocking (although it shouldn't have been given Mitchell's status) is that they ignored the Red Sox. Ortiz is a walking pharmacy, calling it an open secret diminishes the word "secret", Shilling's been on the juice since at least 1997...Can anyone not say "roid rage" and "Ramirez" in the same sentence. Heck even Lowell's a user.

It's a shame that some people seem to think this is an inclusive list and anyone whose name isn't on it is somehow clean.
StanleySpadowski;1831392 said:
The only thing that's shocking (although it shouldn't have been given Mitchell's status) is that they ignored the Red Sox. Ortiz is a walking pharmacy, calling it an open secret diminishes the word "secret", Shilling's been on the juice since at least 1997...Can anyone not say "roid rage" and "Ramirez" in the same sentence. Heck even Lowell's a user.

It's a shame that some people seem to think this is an inclusive list and anyone whose name isn't on it is somehow clean.

I am surprised that Shilling has not already commented on it. ESPN and the other media love that guy and always try to get his thoughts.
mickgreen58;1831465 said:
Why isn't Mark McGuire and Rafeal Palmero on the list?

They did buy from the Mets guy and their names weren't in his address book.
I can't belive Palmerio isn't on the list

and why is Barry Bonds on the list?:laugh2:
StanleySpadowski;1831392 said:
The only thing that's shocking (although it shouldn't have been given Mitchell's status) is that they ignored the Red Sox. Ortiz is a walking pharmacy, calling it an open secret diminishes the word "secret", Shilling's been on the juice since at least 1997...Can anyone not say "roid rage" and "Ramirez" in the same sentence. Heck even Lowell's a user.

It's a shame that some people seem to think this is an inclusive list and anyone whose name isn't on it is somehow clean.

Actually - Looking at Ortiz and Schilling I don't see any steroid use in their builds. In fact Schilling has broken down past few years and is declining. Manny doesn't drink and has put up consistent #'s for 12 years - not a roider.

The Red Sox that were tied to roids in the Theo era were gotten rid of. Rumors were on Garciappara, Shea Hillenbrand. The player I would question is Youkalis.

From what I heard this document is a he said she said heresay case. Weak

and that they only have 80 names suprises me as its clear hundreds were juiced up in this era. Canseco was right and many scoffed at him when he spoke out about it.
Why did Mitchell wait so long to release this report? Maybe they need the ok from Roger The Rockett to advise MLB he was officially retired and they would not have to discipline him!

It's all about getting Barry Bonds gang.
Nors;1831700 said:
Actually - Looking at Ortiz and Schilling I don't see any steroid use in their builds. In fact Schilling has broken down past few years and is declining. Manny doesn't drink and has put up consistent #'s for 12 years - not a roider.

The Red Sox that were tied to roids in the Theo era were gotten rid of. Rumors were on Garciappara, Shea Hillenbrand. The player I would question is Youkalis.

From what I heard this document is a he said she said heresay case. Weak

and that they only have 80 names suprises me as its clear hundreds were juiced up in this era. Canseco was right and many scoffed at him when he spoke out about it.

Your kidding? You can't see the possibility of steroids in Ortiz and Schilling? Sometimes breaking down is a result of steroids. The muscles get built up, but the ligaments, tendons and other parts can't keep up.
Nors;1831700 said:
Actually - Looking at Ortiz and Schilling I don't see any steroid use in their builds.
Do you see it in Rafael Palmero's build?
At this point we can speculate all were on Steroids. Take a name and throw them into this mess. At end of Day Clemens and Bonds best players of their era.

At some point you have to stop electing any player of this era into Hall.
joseephuss;1832551 said:
Or Andy Pettite? And he was hardly a guy that relied on power.
It's amazing that the Pettites of the sporting world are on drugs and the 330 pound, 7% body fat NFL players pass every test.:rolleyes:

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