MNF Thread

Philly is so far ahead they are letting them eat the clock up with the short stuff.
I'm not turning on the Philly sports radio anytime this week to hear everyone talk about winning the division.
That delay of game on 3rd and 2 is inexcusable. Lucky they got the first.
Watching this game only solidifies the doubt people are going to have with Vick. It's going to be difficult for him to be effective for four quarters with his propensity for getting dinged. And as you've seen tonight, as he gets worn down his effectiveness as a passer and overall explosiveness takes a major hit. Not as problematic for Philly tonight given the large lead, but in tighter ballgames? I just don't know that Philly can do much over a 16-game season with Vick.
I'm not turning on the Philly sports radio anytime this week to hear everyone talk about winning the division.

Yes the Cheese Steak eaters will be out in full force this week. 'I wanna talk about those Eagles' **eats cheesesteak** 'They look awesome better than those Cow girls, HAHAHA' **eats more cheesesteak and laughs with food flying out of his/her mouth**

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