Mom Booted From Hospital as Baby is Snatched

Verdict;4643337 said:
This is a really interesting article. No one cares about stuff like this until it happens to them. It amazes me every day how people allow their rights to be taken away without a fight, when our grey haired forefathers fought and died to preserve our individual rights.

I have been practicing law for over 22 years, and I have watched the courts consistently erode individual rights at an alarming rate, but nothing like our law makers have. One of these days people will wake up and wonder where all of their rights went.

They say that if you drop a live frog into boiling water he will immediately try to jump out, but if you put him in water that is room temperature, and slowly increase the heat ... he will stay in the water until he boils to death. That is what is happening to America folks.

Dungeness crabs seem to notice the water is getting hotter. Are frogs really that stupid. Glad i own a cat and russian tortoise.
Verdict;4643337 said:
This is a really interesting article. No one cares about stuff like this until it happens to them. It amazes me every day how people allow their rights to be taken away without a fight, when our grey haired forefathers fought and died to preserve our individual rights.

I have been practicing law for over 22 years, and I have watched the courts consistently erode individual rights at an alarming rate, but nothing like our law makers have. One of these days people will wake up and wonder where all of their rights went.

They say that if you drop a live frog into boiling water he will immediately try to jump out, but if you put him in water that is room temperature, and slowly increase the heat ... he will stay in the water until he boils to death. That is what is happening to America folks.

Without getting too political about it, I agree with you from a law perspective. The legislators are mucking it all up.
CowboyMcCoy;4643346 said:
Without getting too political about it, I agree with you from a law perspective. The legislators are mucking it all up.

I resent that, sir!
JustDezIt;4643341 said:

It was meant for the off-topic zone. Not to worry, though. Like Verdict was saying. These things happen every day. So it certainly won't be the last story.
muck4doo;4643347 said:
I resent that, sir!

I won't even ask why.... Verdict already made the argument. Not to sound cliche', but with the hopes of saving the thread I'll just side with his thoughts on the matter.

My first thought seeing the title was Dez's mom on the run with a snatched baby . . .
M'Kevon;4643350 said:

My first thought seeing the title was Dez's mom on the run with a snatched baby . . .

GimmeTheBall!;4643342 said:
sHUDDUP YOUR MOD friends aint gonna help you now, fancy boy. They is all asleep.

boys, dont forget the cannoli....

GimmeTheBall!;4643338 said:
The systematic loss of rights is like the time i had to get a permit for making repairs in old widows homes. I guess the government would rather old ladies and the indecapitated NOT HAVE COMFORT KITCHEN COUNTERS ON WHICH TO MAKE CAKES!

aLSO, The frog analagy made me cry. Thanks for the emotion, verdict.

You're welcome. It is just one of the many services I provide. :D
GimmeTheBall!;4643338 said:
The systematic loss of rights is like the time i had to get a permit for making repairs in old widows homes. I guess the government would rather old ladies and the indecapitated NOT HAVE COMFORT KITCHEN COUNTERS ON WHICH TO MAKE CAKES!

aLSO, The frog analagy made me cry. Thanks for the emotion, verdict.

Oh sure, using kitchen counters to make cakes . . . or were they used to hatch diabolical plans to poison the local water supply.

The Govmint needs to check out possible Al-Qaeda infiltration of the home improvement industry.

We, err, they're watching you.

So, this board is now allowing garbage from the WorldNetDaily website to be posted in here??

For those not in the know, this is the same right wing propaganda website that Michelle Bachmann drew her poisonous, McCarthy-esque claims about the Muslim Brotherhood "conspiracy"... it's also home to Jerome Corsi, of Swift Boat infamy and the father of the birther movement...

And lo and behold, the original post has resulted in a bunch of right wing rants... guess some people can't quite grasp the "no politics" rule... zealots often have a hard time following the rules...
FuzzyLumpkins;4643340 said:

It has been reported as such... hopefully, when the grownups (mods) see this, they'll do the right thing and delete it...

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