monday morning musings


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Just a few things that struck me
1.that was a totally potential letdown game. Romo really appeared to have happy feet and several times moved up in the pocket into the pressure. He has been working on keeping his feet quiet but early he looked like Vince Young in the pocket at times! Kudos to Tony though, he settled down and hit some big plays by staying calmer in the pocket

2. Adam Jones will be an asset to this team. Perhaps that is stating the obvious, but other than one large breakdown, he lead the team in tackles; flew around the field and provided some excitement on punt returns. Definite upgrade over 2007 at that position.

3. Adam--sometimes 6 yards on a punt return is ok. That is what made Deon so incredible. Deon would wait for a crease and then hit it at full speed. Adam tends to run around like a crazy man looking for somewhere to go and what that tends to lead to is blocks in the back. The big returns will come--you just have to be patient

4. The Pack tried to play physical and with a chip on their shoulder. That chip is laying on the ground and whoever is washing their uniforms today will have to work hard at getting the grass stains off the backs of their uniforms.
Talk about punishing an opponent!!!! Whether is was the OLine grinding the pack down, Barber running over, through and by the defense it was a beautiful thing to see
NOTHING makes my heart warm like 200 plus yards rushing.
Tell me how a professional athlete (al harris) can let himself get so dehydrated he essentially misses the majority of the biggest game of the year so far for the Pack

5. Tip of the hat to the Tight Ends coach. That was an absolute clinic in blocking yesterday by all our tight ends.

6.Man we are young! Think of all the contributions and who executed them. Youth is performing. Jones, Hurd, Bennett, Curtis, Barber, Pac man, the list goes on and on.
Jones is something else! Paging number 26, your jock is still on the not so frozen tundra of Lambeau Field. The way he can make a move at top speed is what separates him from others.

7. the secondary performed really well. In the second half, there was blanket coverage. Sure they let the underneath stuff be completed (the last td drive was essentially garbage time) but there was speed to the ball and very good tackling. Again, the kids were competing. Jenkins, Watkins, Brown, - did a great job


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8. Our LB's and DE's need to learn how to tackle a QB when they get the chance. Bad angles are killing them right now.

9. We need to look for opportunities to get our starters out of the game when we have the game in hand. An injury or two, especially on offense, and we become nothing special.

10. GB will win a lot of games with Rodgers at QB. He's playing pretty well so far.

Good win, though, and especially satisfying for me since my wife is a Packers fan (bless her heart!). :)


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Our offense did appear a little out of sync earlier in the game. Whether it was the Packers success in taking TO out of the game or leftover emotion from Monday night's game. This game sure didn't match the intensity of the Monday night but that game was against a division opponent. Glad to see us ride into Lambeau Field and get that monkey off our back. No longer are we 0-5 there; we beat the Packers in Texas Stadium last year and beat them this year in their own back yard. Gotta admit I thought our defense really played better and better as the game went on. Agree with another poster that they media may not be happy with our win, but we'll be rated at the top by just about everybody. Geez, did you see where the very bad 0-2, now 0-3 Bengals, took the Giants into overtime before the Giants finally ended up winning the game.


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they can say Al Harris was dehydrated all they want....he ran up on a couple of guys and I think he was feeling the pain. I will never forget Justin Tuck say this "after playing the Cowboys, we could not even sit in our seats on the plane...guy's were laying in the aisle."

I know we give our players are hard time, but they do punish people. Our OL is huge...and win or lose, they make sure they leave with body parts. That is important. Sure we want to win them all....and we will enough to get in the playoffs...but we are a physically imposing team, and you do not want teams walking away from a game with us. You want them limping and thinking twice about sticking their nose "in there" on a consistent basis. Or even better..."hiding out in the lockeroom"


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it's hard to win after a monday night game. the percentages don't lie. philly and dallas both played with hangovers. i'm glad we got the W.

Velvet Jones

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Harris said before the game that he loved the defensive scheme that they were bringing to Dallas, and I think it worked for them. Dallas looked pretty bad in the begining. And I have no doubt that it would have continued had GB's offense not played so poorly. They kept their defense out there way too long that we were able to settle down and make our type of plays. For the first three quarters, Rodgers wasn't completeing a pass to anyone not named Jennings. Maybe GB should have worried a litte more on how to score on us rather than how to stop us.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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  • Pacman has to hurry up and make a play on punt returns. When you spend so much time running in circles like Bo Jackson in Tecmo Bowl, you're bound to get a penalty and we did. Twice!
  • While Austin did get two huge catches, I was watching his routes and they didn't look so good. His first deep catch his cover man fell down and the second one the covering players seem to let up at the last minute. Either way, he made the play, and thats great. He does need to work on his moves. I saw another deep pass to him that got broken up and he made no moves at all. Just a straight route and the guy just ran with him. On that note, for such a fast guy he got caught from behind and the one guy covered him step for step on that fly route.
  • Spears and Canty made a lot of noise in training camp, but have been quite (for the most part) during the season. Spears didn't even show up on the stat book last night.
  • Romo seems to have these Hang-Over days about 2-3 times per season. When I saw Hang-Over, I'm not talking about hang-over from the Philly game, I mean it looks like he killed a case of beer and went to bed at 4 or 5 am the night before the game. His accuracy was way off on several throws and he just doesn't look like his game speed was up to par.
  • Felix in the open field reminds me of Marshal Faulk. If TO would have drive blocked instead of just holding the block, Felix could have had two LONG TD runs.
  • Speaking of TO, while he didn't have many receiving stats, he was HUGE in this game. Not only pulling guys out of the box while doubling him deep, he made several big-time blocks for the running game and I love how he escorts his teammates into the end zone on long plays.
  • The defensive backs played great last night even if they were playing 10 yards off. I only saw a couple of bad plays. Pacman's blown coverage and there was some poor tackling, but I think it had more to do with the field as the the defensive backs appeared to have trouble cutting on it.
  • McBriar doesn't appear to be the same punter he was when he was a Pro Bowler.
  • With Deon and Roy missing, you can see a clear difference on the special teams coverage units.
  • If Marion doesn't watch out, he is going to punch his ticket for another Pro Bowl.
  • The Cowboys offensive line is the best in football bar none.
  • Our TEs can block. If we go into a three TE set with out oline and Barber running the ball. I'm not sure there is a team that could stop that.
  • All those people saying we have to replace Koiser shouldn't have much to say today. He is clearly a good player even if he isn't as big as the other guys.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Velvet Jones;2277786 said:
Harris said before the game that he loved the defensive scheme that they were bringing to Dallas, and I think it worked for them. Dallas looked pretty bad in the begining. And I have no doubt that it would have continued had GB's offense not played so poorly. They kept their defense out there way too long that we were able to settle down and make our type of plays. For the first three quarters, Rodgers wasn't completeing a pass to anyone not named Jennings. Maybe GB should have worried a litte more on how to score on us rather than how to stop us.

He loved it because it was setup to shutdown the passing game and for the most part they did it. The problem is, they ignored the running game which any good defensive coordinator will tell you that is a cardinal sin. If you noticed, the Cowboys didnt' have many passing yards in the first half but they gashed the Packers for 149 rushing yards. At that point the Packers had no choice but to try to stop the run otherwise they could have gave up 300 rushing yards if the Cowboys repeated what they did in the first half in the second. Once they started to try and stop the run, the passing game opened up more.


Mick Green 58
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nyc said:
While Austin did get two huge catches, I was watching his routes and they didn't look so good.

I have to agree. He does a good job of getting in good position but when he makes his initial moves, he doesn't do a great job of selling it. He is still young and has only caught a few passes though.

nyc said:
Romo seems to have these Hang-Over days about 2-3 times per season.

I disagree. The Packers used the Buffalo Bills' defensive scheme from last year. The decided to only rush their front four and double team Jason Witten and Terrell Owens. Against this scheme, Romo tends to get impatient and tries to force balls into extremely tight windows.

nyc said:
McBriar doesn't appear to be the same punter he was when he was a Pro Bowler.

Have to disagree. I a saw one shanked kick but for the most part he did a really good job. Heck, there was one series where he punted a 55 yarder, a penalty was called, re-kicked and still got the same kind of distance.

nyc said:
With Deon and Roy missing, you can see a clear difference on the special teams coverage units.

I thought the Special Teams unit was very solid. I gave Keith Davis one of my game balls. The guy was either making tackles on special teams or he was assisting on the tackle.

nyc said:
If Marion doesn't watch out, he is going to punch his ticket for another Pro Bowl.

I bet a good case can be made that Marion Barber III is the best all around running back in the NFL.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Maikeru-sama;2277874 said:
I bet a good case can be made that Marion Barber III is the best all around running back in the NFL.

Marion is great and I will even give him extra homer points, but I still take a healthy Adrian Peterson even over LT. The kid is explosive on a level no other back is. Not only speed and cutting wise (like say Felix Jones) but also power wise like Barber. If you could merge Marion and Felix, you get Adrian Peterson.


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:starspin Here Is The Stat I Love The Best,we Beat Their Butt...BAD:starspin