Moral Dilemma: Chad Slickrod and the Red Berries

Reverend Conehead

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[This is a little wrong, but stick with it. I think you'll find it worth it.]

You're in high school and are madly in love with Beverly Bouvier. She's so gorgeous you nearly swoon any time you see her. But that's not all. She's super sweet and nice to everyone. You also have the same interests. She loves the Dallas Cowboys, and rocks out to all the same music you love. You hang out together, and you discover that your personalities totally match. When you're together, you can't stop laughing. You've just finished restoring a 1965 Ford Mustang. It's gorgeous, and everything's perfect. So you ask her out, and you have an incredible time together getting hot and heavy and a drive-in movie. (They still exist in the town where you live.)

Everything's going perfect. You already know that you're going to pop the question at some point, but you hold back, knowing you need to take your time so that you don't scare her off. So you just enjoy amazing date after amazing date.

Meanwhile, Chad Slickrod is dating your sister, and he treats her like total scrap. He insults her all the time, and he gets trash-drunk and then drives his convertible El Camino at 120 MPH with her in the car, while he chugs down more beer. You beg her to dump him, but she claims there's just something about him that she has to have. He gets in an accident with her in the car. Luckily, they had some scrapes, but were not seriously injured. You beg your sister to dump him before he gets her killed, but she refuses. Finally, after she catches him smoking opium naked in a hot tub with five gorgeous members of the cheerleading squad, your sis catches a clue and breaks up with him. What a relief!

You can now relax and just enjoy your time with Beverly. However, on your next date with her, she's totally uptight and taciturn. You can't get her to open up and tell you what's on her mind. You go to the drive-in and make out some, but she's stiff. Something is wrong! You just can't get her to tell you.

You're stressed the next day at school, and just go from class to class stressed out. Then, on your way to science class, you turn the corner and see the most horrible sight you've ever seen. There in the corner of the locker-hallway is Beverly totally making out with Chad! She sees you, and looks at you with a guilty look and then goes back to making out with him. He takes a short break from the smooches, gives you a smart aleck smirk, winks at you, and then goes back to fondling Beverly all over and frenching her.

Total humiliation, anger, and pain swells through your whole body. You feel like someone rammed a double-edged sword right through your guts. You cut your only remaining class and drive home. She calls you up with a pathetic attempt to apologize, saying the lamest cliché that any woman has ever uttered: “It just happened.” You hang up on her and contemplate suicide. You don't go through with it, fortunately, but your life is misery from that point forward.

Several weeks later, you arrive at school, and can't help but notice that everyone is buzzing about something. You go into a classroom and ask your favorite teacher what's going on. Turns out Chad and Beverly have been in a car accident, and have been rushed to the hospital.

You cut school and rush into the hospital yourself. When you get there, you find Beverly's parent's sobbing. Chad had been trashed on weed and vodka and was driving at 130 miles per hour when he encountered a construction zone. He had been trying to drive back and forth around orange cones like they were a slalom course, when he flipped that convertible. He walked away without a scratch somehow, but Beverly's brains got splattered all over the asphalt.

In the coming weeks, you attend Beverly's funeral, which Chad has the nerve to attend. There are reckless driving and manslaughter charges filed against Chad, but his ultra rich lawyer father greases some palms and gets him off scot-free. You feel like going over to Chad's family's mansion and just blowing him away, but that's not your style. You know better than that. However, in your surveillance, you find out that Chad keeps 300 thousand dollars in cash in his closet. You briefly consider breaking in to steal it, but you stick to your upright and proper ways and don't do it.

Then, a couple months later, you're at church, begging God for some kind of help in making sense of it all. You sob, and tell the whole awful store to your pastor. He says that you must persevere, and: “God has a way of sorting out even the worst situations.” You're not sure if you believe that, but you appreciate his effort.

You're back at church the next week, trying to make sense of your sucky life, when none other than Chad Slickrod shows up. You can't believe it. It seems like sacrilege for him to even be in a church. He insists on talking with you, and claims that he's turned over a new leaf. He claims he's reformed from his evil ways, and is rebuilding his life. You don't believe him, but whatever.

Then, a few weeks later on the church's annual mountainside hike, Chad comes along. He's under the delusion that you're now his best friend, when in reality, you feel like throwing up every time you see him. You guys have advanced farther up the mountain than anyone else when Chad finds some red berries. You know from your botany class that they're so poisonous that a person will die within minutes if he eats any of them. Chad says, “These look really good, and I'm starving.”

At last we're at your moral dilemma. If you do nothing, Chad will eat the berries and die. To boot, you know his dad is out of town, and where they hide their key. There's no one else there. You could easily go in and take Chad's 300 thousand dollars, now that he won't need it anymore because he's dead. You wonder if this is, as your pastor said, God sorting things out for you. Your other option is to intervene and prevent him from consuming the berries. He won't die, and you won't get any money, and the dirtbag who first stole your girl and then killed her will live on. Would his dying be the justice he deserves? Would his bag of $300K be his reparations for how he's made your life miserable?

You choose. Do you do nothing, and allow Chad to die from poison berries, then steal his money? Or do you intervene, saving the life of the one person in this world whom you can't stand?

It's your choice. What do you do and why?


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option c.
during the hike...i notice obvious signs of bigfoot activity and break away from the group.
i follow a track way...which leads to the most amazing structures you've ever seen.
i make my way back.
having no clue what you were talking about...mezmerized by the photos i took of the track way and the structures.
what were you saying about some dilema?
chuck berry or something?


Well-Known Member
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[This is a little wrong, but stick with it. I think you'll find it worth it.]

You choose. Do you do nothing, and allow Chad to die from poison berries, then steal his money? Or do you intervene, saving the life of the one person in this world whom you can't stand?

It's your choice. What do you do and why?
It's really a no-brainer. You do the right thing and warn him about the berries.

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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It's really a no-brainer. You do the right thing and warn him about the berries.
I think you're right. However, you've got to admit, it would be really tempting to keep your mouth shut and just let him eat them. If you lost your moral center and let them eat them, and then your conscious kicked in, you could tell him and urge him to vomit, and make sure to get help. But you're right. The most moral thing to do would be to warn him about the berries.

I would really wonder, however, why he thinks I'm somehow his good friend after the ****ed up way he's treated me.


Safety third
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When that exact thing happened to me I encouraged Chad to try just one, then as he was chewing it I screamed "Wait, No!!!" and punched him as hard as I could in the gut causing him to spit it out thus saving his life.


Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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When that exact thing happened to me I encouraged Chad to try just one, then as he was chewing it I screamed "Wait, No!!!" and punched him as hard as I could in the gut causing him to spit it out thus saving his life.

Ha ha ha ha, perfect solution.